(a)   General Requirements.
      (1)   Improvement drawings for paving, storm and sanitary sewers and waterlines shall be drawn in India ink on tracing cloth and shall be on standard sheets 24 inches by 36 inches in size. The scale shall be one inch equals 50 feet horizontal and one inch equals 5 feet vertical, unless otherwise required or permitted by the Planning Commission.
      (2)   A grading plan and a plan showing driveway patterns may be in pencil on paper or cloth or may be superimposed over a duplicate tracing of the final plat.
   (b)   Items Pertaining to Title.
      (1)   The type of improvement;
      (2)   The location of streets;
      (3)   The scale;
      (4)   The date;
      (5)   The name of the engineer; and
      (6)   The bench mark.
   (c)   Items Pertaining to Construction.
      (1)   Construction drawings for all improvements shall include the plan view, profiles and cross sections.
      (2)   The plan view shall clearly indicate the location, size and dimensions of all pavements, sidewalks, water mains and appurtenances and sanitary and storm sewers and appurtenances.
      (3)   The profile and cross sections shall show original grades, established street grades and elevations, and the size, grade and elevations of all sanitary and storm sewers and water mains.
      (4)   The location of house connections for storm and sanitary sewers and for the water supply shall be shown for each lot in relation to manholes or other permanent land marks.
      (5)   The grading and driveway pattern plan shall show the location of driveways and the original and finish ground elevations at all lot corners and at all intersections of lot lines with building setback lines. If additional drainage facilities are required to prevent ponding of water, the plan must include details of such facilities, and easements must be provided as required.
(Ord. 650. Passed 3-19-63.)