(a) General Requirements. A preliminary plat must be legible and drawn to scale and may be drawn in pencil on tracing paper. Reproductions submitted for approval must be clearly legible. Sheet sizes shall be in multiples of six inches in either direction. The preliminary plat shall contain the information provided for in divisions (b) to (d) of this section.
(b) Items Pertaining to the Title.
(1) The proposed name of the subdivision. The name shall not duplicate, be spelled the same as or be alike in pronunciation with any other recorded subdivision in the County or under consideration by the Planning Commission.
(2) The location of the subdivision by part of government subdivision, i.e. section, range, tract, township, lot, sublot, village;
(3) The names and addresses of the owner, developer, subdivider, engineer and surveyor;
(4) The scale of the plat, which scale shall be not less than 100 feet to the inch and preferably 50 feet to the inch;
(5) The date; and
(6) The north point.
(c) Existing Items Pertaining to the Plat.
(1) Boundaries of the subdivision indicated by a heavy line and the approximate acreage;
(2) Locations, widths and names of all existing or platted streets, easements, railroad and utility rights-of-way, parks and other public open spaces, permanent buildings and section and corporation lines;
(3) The names of abutting subdivisions or owners of abutting unplatted property;
(4) The zoning districts, if any;
(5) Existing storm and sanitary sewers, water mains and culverts within or adjacent to the subdivision, together with pipe sizes, gradients and depths indicated;
(6) Drainage ditches or channels, wooded areas, power transmission pole lines and any other significant physical features;
(7) Existing contours with intervals of not more than 2 feet where the slope is greater than 8% and not more than one foot where the slope is less than 8%. Elevations shall be based on sea level datum.
(8) A description of the existing bench mark used and the source of survey data.
(d) Items Pertaining to the Proposed Development.
(1) The layout of streets, including names and widths of proposed streets, alleys, crosswalks and easements;
(2) Lot lines, approximate dimensions and lot numbers;
(3) Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use;
(4) Typical cross sections of streets showing widths of roadways, sidewalks and location of utilities;
(5) Profiles of streets, with tentative grades;
(6) A plan and profile, if necessary, to show the size, grade and depth of proposed sanitary and storm sewers, including connections to outlets where located beyond the boundaries of the subdivision;
(7) A plan of the water distribution system;
(8) A statement as to the source of the water supply and provision for sewage disposal;
(9) Building setback lines;
(10) A statement of the proposed use of lots, stating the types of residential buildings, the number of proposed dwelling units and the types of businesses so as to reveal the effect of the development on traffic, fire hazards or congestion of population;
(11) Proposed covenants and restrictions; and
(12) If any zoning changes are contemplated, the proposed zoning plan for the area, including dimensions.
(Ord. 650. Passed 3-19-63.)