The front yards located within the same zoning district may be adjusted in the following circumstances.
(A) Where any 40% of the frontage in the same zoning district is developed with two or more buildings that have a front yard of less depth than herein required, then where a building is to be erected on a lot that is within 100 feet of existing main buildings on either or both sides, the minimum front yard shall be a line drawn between the two closest front corners of the adjacent main buildings.
(B) In the case of corner lots, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the front yard requirements, subject to the following limitations:
(1) At least one front yard shall be provided having the full depth required generally in the district; and
(2) The other front yard on the lot must align with existing main buildings but may be reduced to no less than half of the full depth required in the district.
(Ord. 905, passed 1-20-2015)