(A)   The minimum of off-street parking places to be provided on lots in all districts except C-1, Central Business District, shall be as shown in the following list:
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Single- and two-family dwellings
1.0 per dwelling unit
Rooming houses, dormitories, convalescent homes
0.4 times the maximum lawful number of occupants
Multi-family dwellings
1.5 per dwelling unit
1.0 per room in addition to spaces required for restaurant facilities
Mobile homes
1 per mobile home
Retail stores and service
1 per 350 square feet of floor space establishments and outdoor sales space
1 per 400 square feet of floor space
Other commercial and industrial uses
0.75 times the maximum number industrial uses of employees on the premises at any one time
Bed and breakfast guest house
1 space per 2 rental guest rooms
   (B)   Where calculation in accordance with the foregoing list results in requiring a fractional space, any fraction less than one-half shall be disregarded and any fraction of one-half or more shall require one space.
      (1)   In Districts R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-4, required off-street parking shall be provided on the lot on which is located the use to which the parking pertains. In other districts, parking may be provided either on the same lot or on an adjacent or other lot, provided the lot on which the use requiring them is located are not separated by more than 300 feet at their closest points, measured along a street or streets.
      (2)   Where off-street parking is located on a lot other than the lot occupied by the use which requires it, site plan approval for both lots is required.
(Ord. 905, passed -20-2015)