For purposes of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE. Any building with more than 50% of its floor space used for commercial activities, including the sale of products or services. COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES for purposes of this subchapter do not include any building owned or occupied by the federal government, the state of Nebraska or any of its political subdivisions.
FDC. A Fire Department connection.
FIRE DISTRICT. The corporate limits of the City of Gothenburg.
FIRE LANES. A road, designated area, or other passageway developed to allow passage of or access by fire apparatus.
FIRE OFFICIAL. The Fire Chief of the Gothenburg Volunteer Fire Department and/or his designee.
KEY BOX. A secure, locked hinged metal box providing for keyed or keypad entry in size and style approved by the Fire Official that meets the requirements and uses the same security key code adopted by the Gothenburg Fire Department.
KEY SWITCH. A product which is an electric override for perimeter gates and uses the same security key code adopted by the Gothenburg Fire Department.
MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE. A structure comprised of four or more units used for a single-family dwellings having a single common entrance.
RESPONSIBLE PARTY. The property owner, business owner, or other person(s) or occupant charged with the responsibility for the use and occupancy of a commercial structure.
SECURITY PADLOCK. A padlock approved by the Fire Official that utilizes the approved key code adopted by the Gothenburg Fire Department.
(Ord. 888, passed 5-6-2014)