(A)   In order to promote the conservation of energy through the use of both passive and active solar systems, streets in residential subdivisions should, where possible, have an east-west alignment. Lots intended for detached dwelling should be of sufficient width to allow the structure to be built with its longest axis running east-west.
(Ord. 628, passed 7-11-1995; Ord. 816, passed 6-19-2007, § 571; Ord. 851, passed 8-4-2009, § 571)
   (B)   In order to allow the orientation of structures on the site so as to maximize potential solar gain, side lot lines should run as near to north-south as possible, providing that the angle between the side of the lot line and the street right-of-way line on a straight street or the tangent to a curved street shall not be less than 80 degrees.
(Ord. 628, passed 7-11-1995; Ord. 816, passed 6-19-2007, § 572; Ord. 851, passed 8-4-2009, § 572)