Every person within the town who owns any animal or who owns, conducts, manages, or operates any animal establishment for which a license is required is also required by this chapter to adhere to the following provisions.
   (A)   Structural strength. Housing facilities for animals shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair, to protect the animals from injury, to contain the animals, and to restrict the entrance of other animals.
   (B)   Food, water. All animals shall be supplied with sufficient good and wholesome food and fresh water as often as the feeding habits of the respective animals require.
   (C)   Sanitary conditions. All animals and all animal buildings or enclosure shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
   (D)   Excessive odor and noise. All animals shall be so maintained so as to eliminate excessive odor and noise.
   (E)   Supervision. No animal shall be without attention more than 24 consecutive hours. However, this provision shall not apply to livestock. Livestock shall be attended at reasonable intervals.
   (F)   Humane treatment. Animals shall be treated humanly and no conditions shall be maintained or permitted that is or could be injurious to the animal.
   (G)   Prevention of escape. Animal buildings and enclosures shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent escape of the animal. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to protect the public from the animal and the animal from the public.
   (H)   Sanitation and ventilation. Every building or enclosure wherein animals are maintained shall be constructed of a material easily cleaned, and shall be properly ventilated to prevent drafts and to remove odors. Heating, cooling, and shelter shall be provided as required according to the physical need of the animal, with sufficient light to allow observation of animals and sanitation.
   (I)   Medical treatment. Medical treatment shall be provided as necessary in order to maintain the health of the animals.
   (J)   Size. All animal rooms, cages, kennels, and runs shall be of sufficient size to provide adequate and proper accommodations for the animals kept therein.
   (K)   Incompatibility. Owners shall not allow animals which are natural enemies, temperamentally unsuited, or otherwise incompatible, to be quartered together or so near each other as to cause injury, fear, or torment.
   (L)   Wild animals. All wild animals permitted pursuant to this chapter shall be maintained in buildings, enclosed yards, or cages as specified by the coordinator, and such shall be kept at distances from adjacent buildings as specified in the town zoning ordinances.
   (M)   Sheriff's Department. Representatives of the County Sheriff’s Department, or other duly designated representatives of the town, may enter any premises where animals are maintained for investigation or inspection as to whether or not any portion of such premises, building, structure, enclosure, pen, or cage is being used, kept, or maintained in violation of this chapter or any other town ordinance. This section does not permit any person to enter a private dwelling except where necessary to rescue an animal.
(Ord. D-1-1994, passed - -1994)