The following uses are permitted in the L-l Zone, in conformance with all applicable codes, ordinances, and standards.
(A) Wholesale trade.
(B) Automotive, marine craft, aircraft, and parts and accessories.
(C) Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics, leather, and similar materials.
(D) Lumber and wood products.
(E) Furniture and fixtures.
(F) Paper and allied products.
(G) Printing, publishing, and similar industries.
(H) Stone, clay, and miscellaneous plastics.
(I) Professional, scientific, and controlling instruments.
(J) Miscellaneous manufacturing.
(K) Public utility lines, channels, and rights-of-way, including for electricity, culinary water, irrigation, drainage, stormwater, and gas.
(Document “Residential Zoning Ordinances”)