Adverse environmental conditions must be eliminated or accommodated as follows:
   (A)   Soils.
      (1)   The placement of streets, buildings, and the designation of building sites on areas of unstable soil shall be prohibited.
      (2)   Soils with a significant erosion hazard shall be protected. Revegetation or other erosion control measures maybe imposed as a condition of subdivision approval.
   (B)   Surface water on site. Surface water produced from the subdivision development shall be properly disposed of:
      (1)   Within the limits of the subdivision; or
      (2)   Be conveyed to and disposed of within the town’s stormwater system.
   (C)   Flooding.
      (1)   All subdivision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage.
      (2)   The subdivision layout shall make adequate provision for natural drainage channels and floodways.
      (3)   All water, sewer, and other utility systems and facilities located in designated flood areas shall be designed and constructed to minimize flood damage including the infiltration of floodwater into the system, or discharge of the system into the floodwaters.
      (4)   Base flood data shall be provided by the developer as part of the preliminary plan.
   (D)   Other. Where applicable, other adverse environmental conditions must also be eliminated or adequately accommodated. The additional conditions shall include, but not be limited to, seismic, land slide, and groundwater.
(Ord. 02-01-2021 SD, passed - -2021)