(A)   (1)   Relationship to adjacent streets. The proposed street system shall properly align and be compatible with adjacent streets and the town’s master plan.
      (2)   Access to adjacent properties. In order to facilitate the development of an adequate and convenient circulation system within the town and to provide access for the logical development of adjacent vacant properties, the town may, as a condition of approval, require the subdivision plan to include one or more temporary dead end street (stub streets) which extend to the boundary of the subdivision. All such stub streets shall be fully developed to the boundary of the subdivision. Any plan for the subsequent development of the adjacent property shall provide for the continuation of any such stub street.
   (B)   (1)   Reverse curves. Reverse curves shall have a tangent of at least 100 feet unless, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, such is not necessary.
      (2)   Street intersection. Streets shall intersect each other as nearly as possible at right angles. Minor streets shall approach the major or collector streets at an angle of not less than 80 degrees. Offsets in street alignment of more than 15 feet or less than 120 feet shall be prohibited.
      (3)   Street grades. The maximum grade of any street in the subdivision shall be 8%. Where the observance of this standard is unfeasible, the Town Council, subject to the prior recommendation of the Planning Commission, shall have the power to grant an exception when special pavement surfaces and adequate leveling areas are installed and, in the opinion of the town, the best subdivision of the land is thereby secured.
      (4)   Street curves. Where the street lines within a block deflect from each other at any one point more than ten degrees, there should be a connecting curve. The radius of the curve for the inner street line should be not less than 350 feet for arterial and collector class streets, 250 feet for an important minor class street, and 100 feet for minor streets.
      (5)   Curbs. Where curbs are required, said curbs at intersections shall be rounded with curves having a minimum radius of 15 feet for minor streets, and 25 feet for collector and major streets. Property lines at street intersections should be rounded with a curve where necessary to fit the curb radius.
      (6)   Street names. New street names should not duplicate those already existing. A street obviously a continuation of another already in existence should bear the same name. Before the street is named, the proposed name must be submitted and approved by the Planning Commission.
      (7)   Cul-de-sacs. Cul-de-sacs (dead end streets) shall be used only where unusual conditions exist which make other designs undesirable. Each cul-de-sac shall have a minimum right-of-way width of 56 feet and must be terminated by a turn-around of not less than 96 feet in diameter.
         (a)   The maximum length of a cul-de-sac street shall be 400 feet.
         (b)   Surface water must drain away from the turnaround, except that where surface water cannot be drained away from the turn-around along the street, due to grade, necessary catch basins and drainage easements shall be provided.
      (8)   Easements. Easements of not less than eight feet on each side of all rear lot lines and side lines will be required where necessary for poles, wire, conduits, storm or sanitary sewers, gas and water mains, and other public utilities. Easements of greater width may be required along property lines where necessary for surface overflow or for the extension of main sewers or similar utilities.
(Ord. 02-01-2021 SD, passed - -2021)