(A)   The town hereby adopts the following state codes, as they may, from time to time, be amended as part of the ordinances of the town, and they shall take effect and be controlling within the limits of the town.
      (1)   Titles 76 and 58 of Utah Code Annotated, comprising the State Criminal Code.
      (2)   The criminal provision of Title 32B of the Utah Code Annotated, relating to alcohol regulations.
      (3)   Titles 41 and 53 of Utah Code Annotated, relating to State Traffic Laws.
      (4)   UCA § 77-7-18, relating to failure to appear before a court pursuant to citation.
   (B)   Felonies are excluded. Any violation is a Class C misdemeanor unless a greater or lesser penalty is provided.
(Ord. 59-99-CAT, passed 11-10-1999)