(A)   Any animal of a species subject to rabies which has been bitten by a known rabid animal or bat, or which has been in intimate contact with such an animal, shall be isolated, at the owner’s expense if owned, in strict confinement in a place and manner approved by the Department or Public Health Officer, and observed by a licensed veterinarian for a period of four months or destroyed.
   (B)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following alternative is permitted in case of dogs and cats. If the dog or cat has been vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days prior to the suspected exposure with a type of vaccine produced under U.S.D.A. license and within the time period approved by the State Veterinarian, the dog or cat may be revaccinated in a manner prescribed by the Department or the Health Department and isolated in strict confinement in a place and manner approved by the Department or Public Health officer and observed by a licensed veterinarian for a period of 30 days.
(Ord. D-1-1994, passed - -1994)