(A)   General. The city or its representative shall enforce this code and shall take necessary actions to ensure that violations are prosecuted in accordance with this code. Should it become necessary, the city may remove such violation from the property and the cost for such removal shall become the responsibility of the owner/parties of interest. If such cost for removal shall go unpaid, the same shall become a lien upon the property and shall be collected in the manner prescribed for the collection of delinquent taxes. Responsible parties of interest shall also be liable for prosecution pursuant to this code.
   (B)   Rule-making authority. The code official shall have authority, as necessary in the interest of public health, safety and general welfare, to adopt and promulgate departmental rules and procedures, to interpret and implement the provisions of this code, to secure the intent thereof, and to designate requirements applicable because of local climate or other conditions.
   (C)   Inspections. The cause for inspections shall be formed either by citizen complaints or city staff observations.
   (D)   Right of entry. The city, or its representative, shall have the right-to-enter onto any premise at any reasonable time for the purpose of making an inspection or investigation as required by this code, subject to the constitutional restrictions on unreasonable searches and seizures. If entry is refused, the city is authorized to pursue a search warrant as provided by law.
   (E)   Identification. City representatives shall carry proper identification when inspecting structures or premises in the performance of duties under this code.
   (F)   Notices and orders. All notices and orders necessary to ensure compliance with this code shall be issued in accordance with this code and the city's prescribed procedures and policies.
   (G)   Records. All official records of all business and activities pertaining to this code shall be maintained in accordance with the city's prescribed procedures and policies.
(Ord. 17-016, passed 7-11-2017)