(A)   Advances for travel. The City Administrator may issue advance funds for travel upon the presentation of an estimated itemized expense sheet by a city official or employee prior to receiving any advance funds for approved travel. Upon completion of the approved travel, the city official or employee shall submit an itemized expense sheet of actual costs, with receipts, to the City Administrator and return any unused funds to the city.
   (B)   Use of city credit card. When it is possible, city officials and employees shall use city credit cards for payment of actual costs associated with approved travel. All receipts arising from the use of a city credit card shall be submitted to the City Administrator immediately upon returning from approved travel.
   (C)   Reimbursement. City officials and employees may be reimbursed for actual costs incurred for approved travel upon submitting a detailed and itemized expense sheet, supported by proper receipts, to the City Administrator.
(1985 Code, § 9-4)