In regards to the keeping of bees on residential property:
(A) No person is permitted to keep more than the following numbers of colonies on any lot within the city, based upon the size o configuration of the apiary lot:
(1) One-half acre or smaller lot; two colonies;
(2) Larger than one-half but smaller than three-fourths acre; lot four colonies;
(3) Larger than three-fourths acre lot but smaller than one acre lot; six colonies;
(4) One acre but smaller than five acres; eight colonies; and
(5) Larger than five acres; no restriction.
(B) Hives shall be located at least 20 feet from all property lines. The opening of the hive shall be oriented away from adjoining properties;
(C) For colonies located within 25 feet of a property boundary, a flyway barrier at least six feet in height consisting of a solid wall, fence, or dense hedge parallel to the property line and extending ten feet beyond the apiary in each direction is required;
(D) Hives not being actively maintained shall be removed.
(Ord. 17-021, passed 10-10-2017)