(A) Review of a short-term rental unit application shall be conducted in accordance with due process principles and shall be granted unless the applicant fails to meet the conditions and requirements of this chapter, or otherwise fails to demonstrate the ability to comply with local, state or federal law. Any false statements or information provided in the application are grounds for revocation, suspension and/or imposition of penalties, including denial of future applications.
(B) All of-record property owners adjacent to a proposed short-term rental unit shall be notified of the use prior to the issuance of an initial short-term rental unit permit. Notification shall be issued by the short-term rental unit owner or agent and proof of notification provided to the city in the form of an affidavit. The notification to the property owners shall include:
(1) Street address of the proposed short-term rental unit rental;
(2) Name of the property owner(s); and
(3) Name of short-term rental unit agent and contact information.
(Ord. 2023-024, passed 8-8-2024)