(A)   Subject to the terms of the applicable agenda for any meeting, any citizen of the city shall be entitled to make an appearance (either in person or via electronic means) before Council at any meeting concerning any city matter, with the exception of personnel matters. Persons desiring to speak must notify the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the meeting.
   (B)   Except as provided below, public comment periods and public hearings shall be conducted in accordance with rules and procedures of Council. Notices of public hearings shall include instructions regarding the manner in which the public hearing shall be held.
   (C)   With respect to any electronic or virtual meetings of Council and subject to the terms of the applicable agenda for such meeting, members of the public may also participate electronically, as follows:
      (1)   Public comments for electronic meetings. Individuals wishing to provide written comments for any public comment period may submit written comments to the City Clerk no later than one hour prior to any meeting of Council, and the Mayor (or other presiding official) may read such comments aloud during the applicable public comment period. Nothing herein shall require such comments to be read aloud. Individuals wishing to speak during the public comment period may sign up with the City Clerk no later than one hour prior to the scheduled time for the public hearing. The City Clerk shall contact those who wish to speak at the public comment period by phone, in the order the requests were received, to admit them to the public comment period.
      (2)   Public hearings for electronic meetings. Individuals wishing to provide written comments for any public hearing held during an electronic meeting may email comments to the City Clerk no later than one hour prior to the scheduled time for such public hearing, and the Mayor (or other presiding official) shall read such comments aloud during the public hearing. Individuals wishing to speak at the public hearing shall sign up with the City Clerk no later than one hour prior to the scheduled time for the public hearing. The City Clerk shall contact those who wish to speak at the public hearing by phone, in the order the requests were received, to admit them to the public hearing.
(Ord. 2021-024, passed 10-12-2021)