(A)   All departments shall submit to the City Administrator, at times and in the form as the City Administrator shall prescribe, reports showing stocks of all supplies, materials and equipment no longer used or which have become obsolete, worn out or scrapped. The City Administrator shall have authority to transfer any commodities which are unusable to another department in lieu of filling requisitions for the purchase of new or additional stock of the same or similar articles.
   (B)   The City Administrator shall have the authority to sell all the supplies, materials and equipment which cannot be used by any department and has been found by the City Council not to be required for public use, or to exchange or trade in the articles in part or full payment for new supplies, materials or equipment of a similar nature. Any sale, exchange or trade shall be made in accordance with §§ 34.27 and 34.28, whichever is applicable.
(1985 Code, § 9-34) (Ord. 18-032, passed 12-11-2018; Ord. 2021-015, passed 6-8-2021)