No person shall own, keep, harbor, or have custody of any live chickens without first obtaining a permit from the city, subject to the following conditions:
   (A)   The owner of the chickens shall live in the dwelling on the property;
   (B)   The keeping of any poultry besides chickens is prohibited;
   (C)   All chicken coops and runs must meet the requirements of the building and zoning codes, including electrical permits if applicable;
   (D)   No person shall keep roosters, or adult male chickens, on any property within the city;
   (E)   Chickens are specifically limited to the following designated zoning districts: D-1, C-1, or A-1;
   (F)   No more than five chickens shall be housed or kept per household in any area of the city zoned D-1, C-1 or A-1;
   (G)   Permits may be revoked due to cruelty to the chickens, if the chickens become a nuisance, or any violation or non-compliance of this subchapter;
   (H)   Outdoor slaughtering of chickens in city limits is prohibited;
   (I)   Chicken fighting shall not be allowed within city limits;
   (J)   Chickens shall not be housed in a residential house or garage;
   (K)   Chickens must always be confined in a chicken coop or chicken run;
   (L)   Chicken coops and runs shall comply with the following requirements;
      (1)   Chicken coops must not exceed 20 square feet (by outside dimensions); which is four square feet per chicken, or six feet in height. Coops must be elevated with a clear open space of at least 24 inches between the ground and the floor or framing of the coops. Construction shall be adequate to prevent access by rodents;
      (2)   Located in the side or rear yard; (Note: Corner lots have two frontages.)
      (3)   The shelter shall be situated closer to the chicken owner's dwelling than to any of the neighboring dwellings;
      (4)   Any mobile coop or rolling coop must always meet all of the required setbacks;
      (5)   Meet the setback of at least 25 feet from any residential dwelling on any adjacent lot and at least ten feet from the property lines; and
      (6)   Chicken runs must not exceed 50 square feet, which is ten square feet per chicken, or six feet in height, and may be enclosed with wood or woven wire.
   (M)   All premises on which chickens are kept or maintained shall be kept clean from filth, garbage, and any substances which attract rodents. The coop and its surroundings must be cleaned frequently enough to control odor. Manure shall not be allowed to accumulate in a way that causes an unsanitary condition or causes odors detectible on another property;
   (N)   All food shall be stored in an enclosed, rodent proof container; and
   (O)   Dead chickens shall be disposed of according to the Minnesota Board of Animal Health rules, which require chicken carcasses to be disposed of as soon as possible after death, usually within 48 to 72 hours. Legal forms of chicken carcass disposal include offsite burial, offsite incineration or rendering, or offsite composting.
(Ord. passed 6-17-2024)