(A)   Rates, minimum charges, deposits and other charges. The following charges shall hereafter apply to the services provided by the city.
Affidavit for candidate filing fee
Appeal hearing for admin. citations
ATV permits
Banner hanging fee ($105 to put up and $205 to take down)
Building permits
   Non-state Building Code
   Requiring state Building Code standards
According to valuation
Chicken license
Cigarette sale licenses
Circus, carnival license
City maps copy
   11" x 17"
   29" x 41"
Commercial parking lots with storm sewer curb and gutter
Commercial sewer permit
$540, pay county $450
Conditional use permit
$160 payable at time of application
Demolish building
Dog licenses
Delinquent dog licenses (after February 28)
Double the actual amount of the license
Drainlayers licenses
$40 (late fee: $25)
Final plat
Fire sprinkler system test
Flow test industrial fee
Food truck license
Fowl license (i.e. chickens)
Golf cart fee
Grass cutting and weed control
Cost incurred + $44.00
Hose and hydrant connection (i.e. pool fill)
   Flat rate for water used
[1.5 x (current year water rate / 1,000 gallons)] per 1,000 gallons
   Service call and connection
$30 + $33/hour of labor
Hydrant fee
Junkyard permits
Liquor licenses
   Off-sale intoxicating liquor
   Off-sale 3.2% malt liquor
   On-sale intoxicating liquor license for clubs with between    201 and 500 members
   On-sale intoxicating liquor club (over 500 members)
   On-sale intoxicating liquor Sunday only
   On-sale intoxicating liquor other
   On-sale wine license
   On-sale 3.2% malt liquor
   On-sale intoxicating liquor (Brewer taproom)
   Off-sale intoxicating liquor (Growler’s, including Sundays)
Meter size service charge (monthly)
Meter size service charge (monthly) (Cont’d)
   1" to 1-1/2"
Notary fees (each signature)
Picnic table rental
$10/table + $50 refundable deposit
Plumbing permits
   Each permit
   Each additional fixture
   For each private sewage disposal system — ISTS permit
$252, pay county $210
   For each private sewage disposal mound
$420, pay county $350
Police audio digital recording
$15 per CD
Police digital photos
$15 per CD
Police squad video or digital video
$30 per DVD
Police/vehicle accident reports less than 100 pages
$.25 per  page
Police/vehicle accident reports in excess of 100 pages
Actual cost determined at time of request
Preliminary plat process
Returned check (NSF check)
Sewage service not connected to city water service
$28.25/month plus $5.65/1,000 gallons, after 5,000 gallons minimum usage
Sewer charge
$28.25/month plus $5.65/1,000 gallons, after 5,000 gallons minimum usage
Sewer meter and MXU service charge
Shelters (all fees are plus a $100 refundable deposit)
   Evans Pavilion (next to fire station)
      Elementary and secondary schools
      Post-secondary schools
      Non-profit organizations
      Private parties
$120 + tax
$215 + tax
   Lion’s Pavilion (Small at LaCanne Park)
      Elementary and secondary schools
      Post-secondary schools
      Non-profit organizations
      All others
$45 + tax
$50 + tax
   Selke Pavilion (Big at LaCanne Park)
      Elementary and secondary schools
      Post-secondary schools
      Non-profit organizations
      Private parties
$170 + tax
$410 + tax
Sign permit
According to valuation
Snow and/or ice on sidewalks removal along CSAH No. 32
Cost incurred + $44
Snow removal parking violation
Softball/baseball field rental
$55 per field/day (plus $100 refundable deposit required)
Transient merchant or dealer, hawker, peddler, solicitor or canvasser license
Utility permit on city roadway right-of-way application
Variance permit
$160 payable at time of application
Water (State Department of Health mandated surcharge — water customers only)
$11 (once per year in July)
Water charge
$18/month plus $6/1,000 gallons, after 3,000 gallons minimum usage
Water sales from hydrants
   0—1,000 gal
   1,000 — x gal
$15/1,000 gallons
Water/sewer connection; permit fee
Water/sewer not paid (or paid after due date, late fee or penalty)
5% added on the first working day after the due date of bill
Water/sewer meter charge (one-time fee)
Actual cost of meter
Water turn off service call
Water turn on service call
Zoning maps copy
   11" x 17"
   29" x 41"
   (B)   Amendment of charges. The City Council may hereafter change the rates, charges, deposits and other charges by adopting a resolution providing therefor. The changes shall be published in the official newspaper of the city one time following the changes.
   (C)   Effective date. This section shall be in full force and effect after its adoption by the City Council and its publication in the official newspaper of the city. However, water and sewer rates will be applied to February 2012 billings for January 2012 usage.
(Ord. 2012-01 (86.7), passed 1-9-2012; Res. 0902, passed 1-28-2013; Ord. 2013-01 (86.8), passed 7-22-2013; Res. 0929, passed 1-27-2014; Res. 0963, passed 1-26-2015; Res. 0970, passed 5-18-2015; Res. 0992, passed 1-25-2016; Res. 1012, passed 9-12-2016; Res. 1019, passed 1-23-2017; Res. 1047, passed 1-29-2018; Res. 1075, passed 1-28-2019; Res. 1117, passed 1-27-2020; Res. 1178, passed 1-24-2022; Res. 1212, passed 1-23-2023; Res. 1215, passed 4-3-2023; Ord. passed 6-17-2024)