§ 153.28 SURVEY.
   Following conditional approval of the preliminary plat by the City Council, the subdivider may cause the subdivision to be surveyed, staked and monumented by the registered land surveyor in accordance with standards set therefore. No plat may receive final approval until the survey, staking and monumenting has been completed and approved by the Engineer or Supervisor of Zoning.
   (A)   (1)   The final plat materials, size and scale shall be as specified by the County Recorder and County Auditor and shall show:
         (a)   All existing section lines, quarter and sixteenth lines within the platted area, tied to the plat. If none are contained in the plat, then ties should be made to at least one outside section line;
         (b)   Outside boundary lines and all angles and distances necessary for closure of boundaries by latitude and departure;
         (c)   Street lines, alley lines, rights-of-way, easements, lots, all other sites and reservations and all deeded land to the public with dimensions, angles and curve functions;
         (d)   All distances, included in the dedication and all monuments, angles, curve functions and the like necessary for checking the entire description;
         (e)   Street and avenue numbers and purposes of easements, alleys and other rights-of-way;
         (f)   Lot and block numbers consecutively numbered;
         (g)   A certificate by the registered surveyor who surveyed the property indicating that such was done in accordance with generally accepted methods of surveying;
         (h)   Any other data, certificates, affidavits or endorsements required by law, by the City Council or by the state or county; and
         (i)   Lot, block, street, easement, dedication, dimension.
      (2)   In addition, all conditions as submitted by the City Council as a result of the preliminary plat review must have been met or performed.
   (B)   Final plat and accompanying material shall be filed with the Supervisor of Zoning within six months following the date of action on the preliminary plat, otherwise the action shall be null and void.
   (C)   The Supervisor of Zoning shall check the filed material for conformity with the requirements of the law and with these regulations, including conformity with any conditions of approval of the preliminary plat by the City Council, and the Engineer shall check the plat and survey for required accuracy. If satisfactory, Supervisor of Zoning shall accept and issue a receipt for the plat. If not satisfactory, the subdivider shall cause the required changes and additions to be made before acceptance for filing an issuance of a receipt.
(Ord. 84, passed - -2004)