§ 153.25 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The City Council finds that there is a need to permit combined unit developments in the city to provide for improved living and working environments, to promote more economical use of land, to provide needed housing, to encourage the building and use of a variety of types of residential housing, to encourage ingenuity and originality in total subdivision and individual site designs, to respect the physical qualities of land areas and to save scarce natural resources. To aid in achieving those needs, variation in lot areas are permitted. Also, procedures are established to assure adequate maintenance and restricted use of open space areas for the benefit of the inhabitants of the developments or the dedication to public use. Also, procedures are established to assure adequate protection of existing and potential developments adjoining the proposed combined unit development.
   (B)   (1)   A combined unit development shall be permitted in any dwelling district of the city and shall be a conditional use in all other zoning districts.
      (2)   A combined unit development is a development providing housing. It is not a development providing any commercial or other services except those incidental and necessary to the main use.
      (3)   A combined unit development may include any residential use which is both permitted within and regulated by underlying zoning.
      (4)   TOWNHOUSES are defined as any single-family dwelling unit on a separate lot that shares a common wall with one other single-family dwelling unit on a different lot; TOWNHOMES are defined as a single-family dwelling unit on a separate lot that shares a common wall with one or more single-family dwelling units on an adjoining lot; CONDOMINIUMS are defined as a single-family dwelling unit which is contained on a lot in which all lot lines are coterminous with or are within two feet of the outside or common walls of the unit and which is surrounded by property owned by an organization in which the owner of the dwelling unit has a voting or ownership interest. All of the above dwellings shall be permitted uses within a combined unit development.
      (5)   Modification and variation of yard and lot requirements may be permitted. The modifications and variations shall be shown on any preliminary and final subdivision plan. Distances between dwellings or dwellings groups shall not be less than 15 feet. Front yards shall be a minimum of 18 feet. Any yard within the development which abuts an adjoining residential development shall be the same as required for the adjoining dwelling development.
      (6)   The number of attached dwellings shall not exceed six within a D-1 district and eight in a D-2 district.
      (7)   (a)   In each zone allowing combined unit development the lot size may be reduced from the lot size requirements of Chapter 154 of this code of ordinances or subsequent amendments thereto. All lot reductions shall be compensated for by an amount of land in combined unit development open space to be preserved and maintained for its scenic values and for recreation and conservation purposes.
The combined lot size and open space requirement shall not be less than the following amounts for the districts indicated:
D-1 district
7,000 square feel per dwelling unit
D-2, D-3 districts
6,000 square feet per dwelling unit
All other districts
5,500 square feet per dwelling unit
         (b)   Open space may include roads, common areas, recreation areas, ponds, open water and all space committed to the combined unit development.
(Ord. 84, passed - -2004)