(A)   A preliminary plat submitted to the City Council shall be clearly and legibly drawn and scaled at not less than one inch equals 100 feet.
   (B)   The preliminary plat together with accompanying sheets of data and other materials, as needed, shall show including, but not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Name of subdivision, north point, scale, date, names and addresses of owners, subdivider, surveyor or engineer or designer;
      (2)   An up to date abstract or certificate of title;
      (3)   Correct location and designation of boundary lines, quarter and sixteenth section lines, streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, drainage courses, ditches, existing roads, streets, highways existing structures and dry or wet low lands if any;
      (4)   Topography of land with contour lines at vertical intervals of two feet or less as required by the City Engineer;
      (5)   General layout of proposed subdivision and of facilities and improvements, including proposed public streets, roads, alleys, easements, walks, street numbers, dimensions of blocks and lots, areas of lots in square feet, approximate radii of all curves, lot and block numbers, proposed public areas, if any, and set back lines;
      (6)   Proposed treatment of areas needing drainage or protection from erosion;
      (7)   Statement of all improvements needed, time schedule for completion and desired method financing;
      (8)   Proposed street grades and profiles satisfactory to the City Engineer;
      (9)   Proposed method of sewage disposal and water supply;
      (10)   Seven dark line copies of the proposed plat and accompanying information shall be submitted to the Supervisor of Zoning for which a receipt shall be issued; and
      (11)   If the land to be subdivided abuts any lands of the state or county, then the preliminary plat should also be submitted for comment from those jurisdictions.
(Ord. 61.12, passed 6-8-1987)