(A)   Duty of owner. It shall be the duty of the owner, agent, lessor or occupants of every house or other buildings except barns, garages and out buildings which are part of the same property with a numbered house or other building, to place on every house or other building the proper street number either by affixing the numbers in metal, glass or other form or painting then, as herein prescribed. The numbers shall be neat, not less than three inches in height, and of a color as to be clearly legible from the sidewalk or the street line and shall be located on each house or building in relatively the same position, subject to the supervision of the Supervisor of Zoning. Numbers shall be placed on the houses and other buildings within 30 days from the time the owner, agent, lessor or occupant are notified either by mail, publication or telephone or the assignment of numbers to the houses or other buildings as hereinafter provided.
   (B)   Assignment of numbers. One hundred numbers shall be assigned to each block, specific numbers to be assigned by the Supervisor of Zoning on the basis of property frontage. Even numbers shall be used on the east and the north sides of streets and odd numbers shall be used on the west and the south sides of the streets, respectively.
   (C)   Duty of Supervisor of Zoning. It shall be the duty of the Supervisor of Zoning to assign numbers, as hereinbefore provided, to every house or other building provided in the village and to report the numbers assigned to the next regular meeting of the Council. The Council shall accept and approve the same by resolution with the revision and amendments as it deems necessary. It shall be the duty of the City Administrator to notify the owners, agents, lessors or occupants of the houses or other buildings numbered, either by mail, publication or telephone, of the numbers assigned.
   (D)   Permit. Whenever any house or other buildings to be erected hereafter a number shall be assigned at the time the building permit is granted and by the city official granting the permit.
   (E)   Effective date. This section shall take effect and be in force from and after its official passage and publication. The ordinance codified herein was published on 5-29-1948.
(Ord. 12, passed 5-17-1948) Penalty, see § 150.99