(A) Length. Block lengths shall not exceed 1,320 feet and shall be less than 400 feet, unless impractical due to existing property division or topography.
(B) Pedestrian walkways.
(1) The Planning Commission and/or City Council may require the provision of pedestrian walkways in proximity to public service areas such as parks, schools, shopping facilities or in other appropriate locations of a similar nature.
(2) The design of the pedestrian walkways shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned pedestrian walkways, to reasonable circulation of traffic, to topographic conditions, to runoff of storm water and to the proposed uses of the area to be served.
(3) In blocks longer than 600 feet, a pedestrian crossway with a minimum right-of-way of 20 feet may be required near the center of the block.
(2001 Code, § 12.06)