(A)   Any of the following information may be required to be shown on or to accompany any preliminary plat where, due to site conditions, they are deemed necessary by the Planning Commission or the City Planner in order to make a valid assessment of the proposal. The owner will be made aware of these additional requirements at the pre-application meeting.
   (B)   Required information is as follows:
      (1)   Complete topographic map showing contour intervals not greater than two feet. If the land slopes more than approximately 2%, spot elevations shall be shown at selected points not more than 100 feet apart in all directions. The topographic map shall reference USGS datum;
      (2)   Complete natural features map, detailing watercourses, marshes, swamps, including the highest known water level of any body of water including approximate dates, defining the floodplain, the floodway and the flood fringe area; rock outcrops; wooded areas showing size and location of significant hardwood trees and groves; and natural storm drainage indicated by arrows;
      (3)   A report showing subsurface conditions in the subdivision, including the location and results of soil tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and ground water conditions. Depth to ground water unless test pits are dry at a depth of seven feet and results of soil percolation test if individual sewage disposal systems are proposed;
      (4)   Other data as may be requested by the City Council or Planning Commission;
      (5)   Where a tract of land is proposed for subdivision that is a part of a larger logical subdivision unit, the Planning Commission may cause to be prepared a “plan of the entire area”, the plan to be used by the Commission to aid in judging the proposed plat, and to show in at least a preliminary or sketch form the proposed layout of streets, blocks, lots and the proposed use of land if different from residential; and
      (6)   A separate draft of proposed protective covenants if they are to be used shall be submitted.
(2001 Code, § 12.05)