(A)   Districts. For the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Goodland, the Town and its Planning Jurisdiction is hereby divided into the following types of Districts:
   A-1   Agricultural District
   R-1   Single Family Residential District
   RMH   Residential Mobile Home District
   B-1   General Business District
   B-2   Roadside Business District
   I-1   Industrial District
   FP   Flood Plain District
   (B)   Zoning Map. The location and boundaries of said Districts are set forth in maps entitled "Map of Goodland, Indiana" and "Planning Area Map" located in the office of the Building Commissioner, and which, with all notations, references, and information shown thereon, is hereby made part of this Chapter.
   (C)   Interpretation of District Boundaries. Where, due to lack of scale, lack of detail, or illegibility of the zoning map in which there is any uncertainty, contradiction or conflict as to the intended location of any zoning district boundary as shown thereon, the Building Commissioner shall make an interpretation of said map upon request of any person. Any person aggrieved by any such interpretation may appeal such interpretation to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   The Commission and the Board, in interpreting the zoning map shall apply the following standards:
      1.   Zoning district boundary lines are intended to follow lot lines or be parallel or perpendicular thereto or along the center lines of alleys, streets, rights-of-way, or water courses, unless such boundary lines are fixed by dimensions shown on the zoning map.
      2.   Where zoning district boundary lines are so indicated that they approximately follow lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be such boundary lines.
      3.   Where a zoning district boundary line divides a lot, the location of any such zoning district boundary line, unless indicated by dimensions shown on the zoning map, shall be determined by the use of the map scale shown thereon.
      4.   If, after application of the foregoing rules, uncertainty still exists as to the exact location of zoning district boundary line, the boundary line shall be determined in a reasonable manner, considering the history of uses of the property as well as other relevant facts.
   (D)   Use Regulation Statement. No building or structure may be erected, altered, or used and no lands, properties, or premises may be utilized except for the purposes specifically, or by necessary implication, authorized by this Chapter. Special exception uses are allowed only on a permit granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Where a lot is devoted to a permitted principal use, customary accessory uses and structures are authorized except as prohibited specifically or by necessary implication.
   (E)   Agricultural District (A-1)
      1.   Intent. To establish and preserve fertile areas for the production of crops and livestock free from other uses except those which are both compatible with and convenient to the residents of such a district.
      2.   Uses Permitted:
         a.   Dwelling, single family
         b.   Dwelling, farm
         c.   Farm, general
         d.   Agricultural buildings
         e.   Agricultural uses involving the production of crops
         f.   Roadside stands for retail sale of produced raised on the premises
         g.   Greenhouses and nurseries
         h.   Public and parochial schools
         i.   Public parks, playgrounds, recreational areas
         j.   Churches and similar places of worship
         k.   Special exception uses as may be hereinafter permitted in Section 170.06.
      3.   Uses Prohibited. All uses other than those listed above.
      4.   Development Regulations for the A-1 Agricultural District.
         a.   Accessory buildings necessary for the agricultural uses of the land shall not be restricted by this Chapter.
         b.   Fences for agricultural purposes shall not be regulated by this Chapter.
         c.   All other uses of structures connected with the agricultural uses of the land shall not be regulated by this Chapter (i.e., barns, storage buildings for farming equipment, private storage bins, etc.).
         d.   Residential structures shall be subject to the restrictions of this Chapter including accessory buildings such as garages, residential storage sheds, etc.
      5.   Building Height:
         a.   Principal residential buildings shall not be more than two and one-half (2 ½) stories and shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
         b.   Accessory buildings necessary for agricultural district uses shall not be restricted by this Chapter.
      6.   Lot Area: (Residential). No dwellings shall be erected on any lot or tract having an area of less than five (5) acres.
      7.   Lot Coverage: (Residential). Not more than thirty-five (35) percent of the area of any lot shall be used for principal and accessory buildings thereon.
      8.   Front Yard Setback: (Residential). The front yard minimum requirements to be measured from the proposed building line to the highway and street right-of-way lines shall be as follows:
         a.   On existing federal or state highways, a distance of seventy (70) feet.
         b.   On county highways, a distance of fifty (50) feet
         c.   On all other streets, a distance of thirty-five (35) feet or a distance back from the street line equal to the average distance of existing residential dwellings back from the street line, whichever is greater.
      9.   Side Yard: (Residential).
         a.   On each interior lot, there shall be two side yards (unless lot shape or other irregularities make this impossible) having an aggregate width of not less than thirty (30) feet, neither side having a width of less than twelve (12) feet.
         b.   On each corner lot, there shall be two side yards (unless lot shape or other irregularities make this impossible) , the side yard abutting the street shall have a width of not less than twenty (20) feet, and the side yard not abutting the street having a width of not less than twelve (12) feet. Side yard setback, when abutting a federal, state, or county road shall be seventy (70) feet for federal and state roads, and fifty (50) feet for county roads.
         c.   On any lot, in any side yard not abutting the street, a detached private garage may be erected and maintained within the rear quarter of the lot if not closer to the side lot line than five (5) feet.
      10.   Rear Yard: (Residential). There shall be a rear yard on each lot the depth of which shall be not less than thirty (30) feet, except that an accessory use structure may be erected within the rear yard not closer to the property line than five (5) feet.
      11.   Building Size: (Residential). A single-family residential dwelling shall have a minimum floor area size as follows:
         a.   single (1) story dwellings - 860 square feet
         b.   all other single family dwellings - 1100 square feet
   All floor area shall be measured from the exterior dimensions of the dwelling, exclusive of unenclosed porches, terraces, and garages.
      12.   Landscaping: (Residential). Minimum landscaping shall be required as approved by the Plan Commission.
      13.   Parking Requirements: (Residential). Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided per dwelling unit.
      14.   Outdoor Advertising: (Residential). Name plates shall be permitted subject to the following conditions:
         a.   name plates shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area.
         b.   name plates shall display the following alternative information:
            i.   name of the premises upon which it is displayed,
            ii.   name of the owner or lessee of the premises,
            iii.   address of the premises, and
            iv.   nature of the home occupation engaged in on the premises.
   "For Rent" and "For Sale" signs shall be permitted. Not more than two (2) such signs, not exceeding a total of six (6) square feet in area, shall be permitted on any lot or parcel.
      Signs for institutional uses including churches, hospitals, nursing homes, private clubs and similar uses shall be permitted subject to one of the following regulations:
         a.   One (1) free-standing sign for each main use per frontage:
            i.   The sign shall contain only the name and address of the building, its occupants, and the services rendered.
            ii.   The sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area, exclusive of architectural features. The sign shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height.
            iii.   The sign shall not present a nuisance to adjoining residential districts.
            iv.   No sign shall project beyond a lot line, obstruct in any way a driver's vision of the road, or hinder his passage in any way. Further, no sign shall be placed so as to hinder or obstruct any pedestrian's path.
         b.   One sign attached to the face of the main building:
            i.   The same shall contain only the name of the building and its occupants.
            ii.   Letter or numeral heights shall not exceed one (1) foot.
            iii.   The sign shall not exceed ten (10) square feet in area.
            iv.   The sign shall not present a nuisance to adjoining residential districts.
   (F)   R-1 Single Family Residential District
      1.   Intent. To provide for and preserve an environment of single family, detached dwellings along with facilities (streets, sidewalks, etc.) necessary to serve the residences of the district free from other uses except those which are both compatible with, and convenient to, residences of the district.
      2.   Uses Permitted.
         a.   Single family detached dwellings.
         b.   Accessory buildings located on the same lot with the principal use (single family detached dwelling) and which do not include any activity or use in conflict with the principal use.
         c.   Public or parochial schools, elementary, high, and private schools.
         d.   Churches and similar places of worship.
         e.   Public parks, playgrounds, and recreational areas and essential buildings thereof.
         f.   Electric high voltage transmission, distribution, and telephone lines and necessary uses thereof. It is encouraged that all lines be buried.
         g.   Signs advertising the sale or rental of the premises upon which the signs are located. Such signs shall not be illuminated and shall, in no case, exceed six (6) square feet in total area.
         h.   Vegetable and flower gardens and orchards but not the raising of livestock or poultry, provided that no signs or sales stands are used in conjunction therewith.
         i.   Special exception uses as provided for in Section 170.06.
      3.   Uses Prohibited. All uses other than those listed above.
      4.   Building Height.
         a.   Dwelling shall not be more than thirty-five (35) feet high and not exceed two (2) stories.
         b.   Accessory buildings shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet in height.
      5.   Lot Area. No single-family dwelling shall be erected on any lot, having an area of less than ten thousand six hundred twenty five (10,625) square feet or a mean or average width of less than eighty five (85) feet. However, substandard lots of record may be built upon providing the BZA approves the variances.
      6.   Lot Coverage. Not more than thirty-five (35) percent of any lot shall be occupied by buildings.
      7.   Front Yard Setback. The front yard minimum requirements to be measured from the proposed building line to the highway and street right-of-way lines shall be as follows:
         a.   On existing federal or state highways, a distance of seventy (70) feet.
         b.   On county highways, a distance of fifty (50) feet.
         c.   On all other streets, a distance of thirty-five (35) feet or a distance back from the street line equal to the average distance of existing residence dwellings back from the street line, whichever is the greater.
      8.   Side Yard.
         a.   On each interior lot, there shall be two side yards (unless lot shape or other irregularities make this impossible) having an aggregate width of not less than thirty (30) feet, neither side yard having a width of less than twelve (12) feet.
         b.   On each corner lot, there shall be two side yards (unless lot shape or other irregularities make this impossible), the side yard abutting the street shall have a width of not less than twenty (20) feet, and the side yard not abutting the street having a width of not less than twelve (12) feet. The aggregate width shall not be less than thirty-two (32) feet.
         c.   On any lot, in any side yard not abutting the street, a detached private garage may be erected and maintained within the rear quarter of the lot if not closer to the side lot line than five (5) feet.
      9.   Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard on each lot the depth of which shall be not less than thirty (30) feet, except that an accessory use structure may be erected within the rear yard not closer to the property line than five (5) feet.
      10.   Building Size. A single-family residential dwelling shall have a minimum floor area size as follows:
         a.   Single (1) story dwellings - 860 square feet.
         b.   All other single-family dwellings - 1100 square feet.
      All floor area shall be measured from the exterior dimensions of the dwelling, exclusive of unenclosed porches, terraces, and garages.
      11.   Landscaping. Minimum landscaping shall be required as approved by the Plan Commission.
      12.   Parking Requirements. Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided per dwelling unit.
      13.   Outdoor Advertising
         a.   Name plates shall be permitted subject to the following conditions:
            i.   Name plates shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area.
            ii.   Name plates may display only the:
               A.   name of the premises upon which it is displayed,
               B.   name of the owner or lessee of the premises,
               C.   address of the premises, and
               D.   nature of the home occupation engaged in on the premises.
         b.   "For Rent" and "For Sale" signs shall be permitted. Not more than two (2) such signs, not exceeding a total of six (6) square feet in area, shall be permitted on any lot or parcel.
         c.   Signs for institutional uses including churches, hospitals, nursing homes, private and social clubs and similar uses, shall be permitted subject to one of the following alternative regulations:
            i.   One (1) free-standing sign for each main use per frontage:
               A.   the sign shall contain only the name and address of the building, its occupants, and the services rendered.
               B.   the sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area, exclusive of architectural features. The sign structure shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height.
               C.   the sign shall not present a nuisance to adjoining residential districts.
               D.   no sign shall project beyond a lot line, obstruct in any way a driver's vision of the road, or hinder his passage in any way. Further, no sign shall be placed so as to hinder or obstruct any pedestrian's path.
            ii.   One sign attached to the face of the main building:
               A.   the same shall contain only the name of the building and its occupants.
               B.   letter or numerical heights shall not exceed (1) foot.
               C.   the sign shall not exceed ten (10) square feet in area.
               D.   the sign shall not present a nuisance to adjoining residential district.
   (G)   R-2 Multi-family/Two Family Residential District
      1.   Intent. To establish and preserve the character of a multi-family residential district which enhances and compliments as much as possible the rural nature of the area.
      2.   Uses Permitted
         a.   All uses permitted in the R-1 single family district; and
         b.   Dwelling, two family
         c.   Dwelling, multi-family
         d.   Apartments
         e.   Special exceptions as provided for in Section 170.06.
      3.   Uses Prohibited. All uses other than those listed above.
      4.   Building Height
         a.   Dwelling shall not be more than thirty-five (35) feet high and not exceed 2 stories.
         b.   Accessory buildings shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet in height.
      5.   Lot Area. The minimum lot size shall be figured according to the following table:
Type of Dwelling Unit
Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit in Square Feet
Lot Width
Single Family
Two Family Residential
Public water & sewer available
Water available/no sewer
Water/sewer not available
Public water & sewer available
4 bedrooms & over
3 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
1 bedrooms
      Water available/no sewer     To be established by the Plan Commission on basis of population density and soils survey and analysis.
      Water/sewer (not available)    To be established by the Plan Commission on basis of population density and soils survey and analysis.
      6.   Lot Coverage. Not more than thirty-five (35) percent of any lot shall be occupied by buildings.
      7.   Front Yard Setback. Front yard requirements shall be the same as for the R-1 single family residential district.
      8.   Side Yard. On each lot side yards shall be provided in accordance with the following table:
Type of Dwelling Unit
Side Yards
Minimum Aggregate at Width
Minimum for Any Single Side Yard
Single family dwelling
Two family dwelling
Multi-family Dwelling
30 feet
35 feet
35 feet
12 feet
15 feet
15 feet
Single family dwelling
Two family dwelling
Multi-family Dwelling
32 feet
35 feet
40 feet
20 feet abutting street
12 feet not abutting street
20 feet abutting street
15 feet not abutting street
25 feet abutting street
15 feet not abutting street
   On any lot, in any side yard not abutting the street, a detached private garage may be erected and maintained within the rear quarter of the lot if not closer to the side lot line than five (5) feet and private garages may be erected and maintained on adjacent lots within the rear quarters thereof having a wall in common located on the common side lot line.
      9.   Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard on each lot, the depth of which shall be not less than thirty (30) feet, except that an accessory use structure may be erected within the rear yard not closer to the property line than (5) feet.
      10.   Building Size. No building shall be erected for residential purposes having a floor area of less than:
Type of Dwelling Unit
Minimum floor Area per unit in Square Feet
Single story dwelling
All other single family dwelling
Two Family and Multi-Family Residential
4 bedrooms or over
3 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
1 bedroom and efficiency units
      All floor area shall be measured from the exterior dimensions of the dwelling, exclusive of unenclosed porches, terraces, and garages.
      11.   Landscaping. Multi-family residential development shall provide minimum landscaping. The landscaping plan must be approved by the Plan Commission.
      12.   Parking Requirements. Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided per dwelling unit.
      13.   Outdoor Advertising. The standards of the R-1 District shall apply.
   (H)   RMH Residential Mobile Home District
      1.   Intent. To establish and preserve a Mobile Home Residential District that offers an alternative range of housing choice and which complements other residential district.
      2.   Uses Permitted:
         a.   All uses permitted in the R-2 Residential District; and
         b.   Mobile home parks subject to the requirements of this Chapter.
         c.   Such special exceptions as may be hereinafter permitted under this Chapter.
      3.   Uses Prohibited. All uses other than those listed above.
      4.   Building Height. The standards of the R-2 District shall apply.
      5.   Lot Area. The minimum lot size for the RMH District shall be figured according to the following table:
Type of Dwelling Unit
Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit in Square Feet
Lot Width
Public water and sewer available
Single family
Two family
      Water available/no sewer   To be established by the Plan Commission on basis of population density and soils survey and analysis.
      Water/sewer not available   To be established by the Plan Commission on basis of population density and soils survey and analysis.
      6.   Lot Coverage. The standards of the R-2 District shall apply.
      7.   Front Yard Setback. The standards of the R-2 District shall apply.
      8.   Side Yard. The standards of the R-2 District shall apply.
      9.   Rear Yard. The standards of the R-2 District shall apply.
      10.   Building size. The standards of the R-2 District shall apply.
      11.   Landscaping. The standards of the R-2 District shall apply.
      12.   Parking Requirements. The standards of the R-2 District shall apply.
      13.   Outdoor Advertising. The standards of the R-2 District shall apply.
   (I)   B-1 General Business District
      1.   Intent. To establish and preserve areas for commercial activities serving the residents of the community which complements and enhances the residential uses.
      2.   Uses Permitted. Uses are limited, in general, to individual exchange of merchandise, goods, money, property, services, fees, information, or counseling on the premises, and entertainment; and excluding those operations where, in general, the exchange of merchandise, goods, or commodities is dependent upon bulk delivery from storage. Permitted uses in the B-1 District are as follows:
         a.   Automobile service
            i.   filling station
            ii.   sales room
            iii.   commercial garage
            iv.   commercial parking lot
            v.   auto repair, entirely within enclosed building
         b.   Business service
            i.   bank, savings and loan
            ii.   business office
            iii.   post office
            iv.   public utility office
         c.   Clothing service
            i.   laundry collection and dry cleaning
            ii.   self-service laundry
            iii.   dressmaking
            iv.   millinery
         d.   Equipment service
            i.   radio and T.V. repair and sales
            ii.   tailor shop
            iii.   shoe repair shop
            iv.   dry cleaning and pressing
            v.   record shop
            vi.   electric appliance sales, service and repair
         e.   Food service
            i.   Grocery
            ii.   meat market
            iii.   supermarket
            iv.   restaurant
            v.   delicatessen
            vi.   roadside vegetable stands
            vii.   bakery
            viii.   cold storage lockers, for individual use
            ix.   tavern or cocktail lounge, only in conformity with state and local laws and ordinances.
         f.   Personal service
            i.   barber shop   
            ii.   reducing salon
            iii.   beauty shop
            iv.   photographic studio
         g.   Retail service, retail stores, generally
            i.   drugstore
            ii.   Haberdasher
            iii.   department store
            iv.   stationery store
            v.   newsdealer   
            vi.   newsprint
            vii.   job printing shop
            viii.   apparel shop
            ix.   showroom for articles to be sold at retail
            x.   flower shop
            xi.   greenhouse, not exceeding 100 square feet in area
         h.   Railway and bus passenger stations
         i.   Hotel, motel, and motor court
         j.   Commercial recreation uses conducted only within buildings so constructed that no noise of any kind produced therein shall be audible beyond the confines of the building.
            i.   theater
            ii.   billiard rooms
            iii.   bowling alley
            iv.   dancing academy
         k.   Apartment
            i.   apartment building
            ii.   apartment over store building
            iii.   apartment located in rear of store building and occupied by family of person employed on premises.
         l.   Private club or lodge
         m.   Billboard or advertising sign
         n.   Public or parochial schools, elementary, high and vocation schools.
         o.   Public park or public playground and essential accessory buildings.
         p.   Customary accessory uses and buildings located on the same lot with the principal use and which do not include any activity or use in conflict with principal use or commonly conducted goal.
         q.   Electric transmission lines, distribution uses, telephone lines, and necessary accessory uses thereof.
         r.   Signs advertising the sale or rental of the premises upon which the signs are located. Such signs shall not be illuminated and shall in no case exceed ten (10) square feet in total area.
         s.   Public libraries, museums and similar public buildings.
         t.   Church or public building bulletin board, not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet in total area.
         u.   Hospitals, nursing homes and clinics, excepting animal hospitals.
         v.   Funeral homes and mortuaries, except crematoria.
         w.   Special exceptions as provided for in Section 170.06.
      3.   Uses Prohibited. All uses other than those listed above.
      4.   Building Height. Principal and accessory building shall not exceed a height of sixty (60) feet except as noted in Section 170.06.
      5.    Lot Area. There shall be no specific lot area requirements.
      6.   Lot Coverage. There shall be no specific lot coverage regulations for the B-1 District.
      7.   Front Yard Setback. The front yard minimum requirements to be measured from the proposed building line to the highway and street right-of-way line shall be as follows:
         a.   On existing federal highways, a distance of seventy (70) feet.
         b.   On existing state highways, a distance of fifty (50) feet.
      8.   Side Yard. No restrictions except where the side of a lot in the B-1 District abuts a residential district in which case a side yard of six (6) feet shall be required.
      9.   Rear Yard. No restrictions except where the rear yard abuts a residential district in which case a rear yard of fifteen (15) feet shall be required.
      10.   Building size. There shall be no specific building size requirements.
      11.   Landscaping. Where a B-1 District side and/or rear yard requirement is necessary, appropriate screening shall be required. The developer's screening plan shall be approved by the Plan Commission.
      12.   Parking Requirements
         a.   For retail or wholesale stores, at least one (1) parking stall for each two hundred and forty (240) square feet of floor area devoted to sales.
         b.   For office uses, at least eight-tenths (0.8) parking stalls for each employee in the office or building.
         c.   For places of public assembly, at least one (1) parking stall per each eight (8) seats, and eight-tenths (0.8) stalls per employee.
         d.   For hotels, and motels, at least one (1) parking stall for each guest room and eight-tenths (0.8) stalls per employee.
         e.   For public utilities or communication facilities, at least two (2) parking stalls for each three (3) full time employees.
         f.   For eating and drinking places, at least one (1) parking stall for each five (5) seats and eight-tenths (0.8) parking stalls for each employee.
         g.   For medical and other health services, at least one (1) parking stall for each five (5) patients, and eight-tenths (0.8) stalls per employee.
         h.   Any other use should generally provide enough parking to more than handle the ordinary load but not necessarily the maximum.
      All parking stalls provided pursuant to this section shall be on the same lot with the building, except that the Board of Zoning Appeals may permit the parking spaces to be on any lot within one thousand (1000) feet of the building, if it is determined that it is impractical to provide parking on the same lot with the building.
      13.   Outdoor Advertising. No sign shall project further than six (6) feet beyond a lot line, obstruct in any way a driver's vision of the road, or hinder his passage in any way. Further no sign shall be placed so as to hinder or obstruct any pedestrian's path. Signs shall always be properly maintained.
      14.   Off-street loading and receiving shall be provided in the B-1 District. The Plan Commission shall approve the construction plans.
   (J)   B-2 Roadside Business District
      1.   Intent. To establish and preserve areas for commercial activities which normally require drive-in or on-site parking or which normally require major highway access.
      2.   Uses Permitted.
         a.   Automobile services, including:
            i.   filling stations
            ii.   commercial garages
            iii.   commercial parking lots
            iv.   automobile sales
            v.   automobile repair
         b.   Implement services, including:
            i.   implement sales
            ii.   implement parts sales and accessories
            iii.   implement repair
         c.   Food service, including:
            i.   Restaurants
            ii.   taverns or cocktail lounge, drive-in restaurants
         d.   Hotels. or motels, only in conformity with state and local laws and ordinances.
         e.   Billboard or advertising signs
         f.   Electric transmission lines, distribution lines, telephone lines, and necessary uses thereof.
         g.   All uses allowed in the B-1 District are allowed in the B-2 District.
         h.   Special exception uses as provided for in Section 170.06.
      3.   Uses Prohibited. All uses other than those listed above.
      4.   Building Height. The standards of the B-1 District shall apply.
      5.   Lot Area. Standards of the B-1 District shall apply.
      6.   Lot coverage. Standards of the B-1 District shall apply.
      7.   Front Yard Setback. The standards of the B-1 District shall apply.
      8.   Side Yard. The standards of the B-1 District shall apply.
      9.   Rear Yard. The standards of the B-1 District shall apply.
      10.   Building Size. The standards of the B-1 District shall apply.
      11.   Landscaping. The standards of the B-1 District shall apply.
      12.   Parking Requirements
         a.   For restaurants and other eating places, at least one (1) parking stall for each five (5) seats and eight-tenths (0.8) stalls per employee.
         b.   For hotels and motels, at least one (1) parking stall for each guest room and eight-tenths (0.8) stalls per employee.
         c.   Any other use should generally provide enough parking to more than handle the ordinary load but not necessarily the maximum.
         d.   All parking stalls provided pursuant to this Section shall be on the same lot as the building, except that the Board of Zoning Appeals may permit the parking spaces to be on any lot within five hundred (500) feet of the building if it is determined that it is impractical to provide parking on the same lot with the building.
         e.   All other requirements same as B-1 District.
      13.   Outdoor Advertising. The standards of the B-1 District shall apply.
      14.   Off-street loading and receiving shall be provided in the B-2 District. The construction plan shall be approved by the Plan Commission.
   (K)   I-1 Industrial District
      1.   Intent To establish and preserve areas for industrial and related uses and to make provisions for certain kinds of commercial uses which are most appropriately located as neighbors of industrial uses or which are necessary to service the immediate needs of the people in these areas.
      2.   Uses Permitted
         a.   Research and testing laboratories
         b.   Cleaning, processing, and dyeing plants
         c.   Commercial greenhouses
         d.   Wholesalers and distributors
         e.   Warehousing
         f.   Bulk storage
         g.   Millwork, machine tools, paper container plants
         h.   Manufacture, fabricating, packing, packaging, and assembly of confections, cosmetics, electrical appliances, electronic devices, instruments, jewelry, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, and toiletries
         i.   Manufacturing and bottling of non-alcoholic beverages
         j.   Painting, printing, publishing establishments
         k.   Commercial bakeries, and trade offices.
         l.   Special exception uses as provided in Section 170.06.
      3.   Uses Prohibited. All uses other than those listed above.
      4.   Building Height. No restrictions for building height.
      5.   Lot Area. No requirements
      6.   Lot Coverage. No requirements
      7.   Front Yard Setback. The front yard minimum requirements to be measured from the proposed building line to the highway and street right-of-way line shall be as follows:
         a.   On existing federal/state highways, a distance of seventy (70) feet.
         b.   On existing county and local streets, a distance of fifty (50) feet.
      8.   Side Yard. Each lot, at minimum, shall have a side yard of twenty (20) feet.
      9.   Rear Yard. Each lot at a minimum, shall have a rear yard of thirty (30) feet.
      10.   Building Size. There shall be no specific building size requirements.
      11.   Landscaping. Appropriate screening shall be required. The developer's screening plan shall be approved by the Plan Commission.
      12.   Parking Requirements. At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each two (2) workers.
      13.   Off-street loading. On the same premises with every building or structure hereafter erected and occupied for uses involving the receipt or distribution by vehicle of material or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained on the lot, adequate space for standing, loading, and unloading in order to avoid undue interference with public use of the street or alley.
   Such space, unless otherwise adequately provided for, shall include a ten (10) foot by forty-five (45) foot loading space with a fourteen (14) foot height distance for every twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or fraction thereof in excess of three thousand (3,000) square feet of floor area of land area used for the aforementioned purposes.
      14.   Outdoor Advertising. The standards of the B-1 District shall apply.
   (L)   FP Flood Plain District
      1.   Intent. To preserve drainage basins in the community and guide development in the flood hazard areas subject to flooding and which exhibit unstable soil characteristics.
      2.   Uses Permitted.
         a.   Agricultural uses such as the production of crops, pastures, orchards, plant nurseries, vineyards, and general farming.
         b.   Forestry, wildlife areas, and nature preserves.
         c.   Park and recreational uses, such as golf courses, driving ranges, and play areas.
         d.   Special exception uses as provided for in Section 170.06.
      3.   Uses Prohibited. All uses other than those listed above.
      4.   Additional Requirements. All buildings constructed in the FP District shall have a flood protection grade at least two (2) feet above the regulatory profile as established by the Department of Natural Resources Commission.
      5.   Variances. The Board may not grant a variance to any of the requirements of the FP District or to the flood protection grade requirements without written approval of the Department of Natural Resources Commission.