§ 116.99 PENALTY.
   Enforcement may be by any one or a combination of the following methods, and the institution of an action under any of these methods shall not relieve any party from any other criminal or civil proceeding prescribed for violations of this chapter:
   (A)   Civil penalties.
      (1)   Any person who shall operate a business without first applying for and obtaining the license required in § 116.02 shall be subject to a civil penalty not exceeding $500, and each continuing day of noncompliance following notice thereof shall result in the assessment of an additional civil penalty not exceeding $500 per day.
      (2)   Any licensee who, after receiving written notice by the city, violates this chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty not exceeding $500. Thereafter, each subsequent single violation occurring on the same business location, shall be assessed a civil penalty not exceeding $500.
   (B)   Equitable remedies, including injunctions. As authorized by the City Council, the city may apply for any appropriate equitable remedy to enforce the provisions of this chapter, including mandatory or prohibitory injunctions commanding the party to correct the unlawful condition or cease the unlawful use of the business.
   (C)   Revocation of license. Following a written recommendation of the City Manager which describes the nature of any violation, the City Council may revoke a license issued pursuant to § 116.02 if it determines that the licensee has violated any provision of this chapter and other means of enforcement have failed to deter the licensee from operating in violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 2007-25, passed 3-19-07; Am. Ord. 2021-38, passed 12-6-21)