§ 114.67 MANIFESTS.
   Every driver shall maintain a daily manifest upon which shall be recorded all trips made each day, showing time and place of origin and destination of each trip and the amount of fare, and all such completed manifests shall be returned to the owner by the driver at the conclusion of his tour of duty. The forms for each manifest shall be furnished to the driver by the owner and shall be of a character approved by the Police Department. Every holder of a certificate of public convenience and necessity shall retain and preserve all drivers’ manifests in a safe and orderly fashion for at least one year following the year for which the manifests were completed, and upon request such daily manifests shall be available to the Police Department.
(‘70 Code, § 24-1) (Ord. 1977-51, passed 10-24-77; Am. Ord. 2018-12, passed 3-19-18) Penalty, see § 10.99