(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   FOOTRACE. A group of three or more runners or walkers competing against either each other or a time limit over a fixed course all or a part of which involves the use of city street right-of-way.
   BICYCLE RACE. A group of three or more bicyclists competing against either each other or a time limit over a fixed course all or a part of which involves the use of city street right-of-way.
   (B)   Application. Application for a race covered by this section shall be made in writing at least 60 working days before the time at which the race shall be scheduled to begin, shall follow the special event and street closing policy, and shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The name of the individual, organization, or group sponsoring or proposing the race;
      (2)   The location or locations in the city where the race is proposed to take place including the route intended to be taken, if approved;
      (3)   The date and hours for which permit is sought;
      (4)   The name of the person applying for the permit;
      (5)   Whether or not, and how many, persons below the age of 18 years are expected to participate;
      (6)   An estimate of the number of persons expected to participate in the race;
      (7)   The name of the person or persons to be in charge of the activity and who will accompany it and carry permit at all times.
   (C)   Issuance of permit. Upon receipt of an application properly completed and timely filed as hereinabove set out, the Goldsboro Police Department shall issue a permit subject to approval as designated by the special event and street closing policy, not inconsistent with the standards prescribed herein. The permit shall contain all information stated on the application and shall be signed by the issuing officer.
   (D)   Standards. The following standards shall apply to all footraces and bicycle races subject to this section conducted in the city:
      (1)   No more than one race may be conducted within the city at any one time, that involves a street closing.
      (2)   Every race shall follow a route approved by the City Manager or his or her designated agent and, if applicable, the City Council in accordance with the special event and street closing policy.
      (3)   No one participating in a race or proceeding along the route of a race shall distribute therefrom any candy, cigarettes, prizes or favors, of any kind.
      (4)   All animals must be leashed as outlined in §§ 91.15 and 91.18.
      (5)   The organizer of an event subject to this section shall make provisions for proper safety procedures at intersections and along other sections of the right-of-way. The location of the safety monitors shall be determined by the Chief of Police or his or her designee and the personnel shall be provided at no cost to the city. Personnel hired for such duties shall be sworn law enforcement officers certified by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission.
      (6)   The permit shall not be issued until the sponsor acquires sufficient insurance.
      (7)   Notification to those along a race route must be made by the event organizer via mail, door-to-door, electronic, etc.
(‘70 Code, § 15-54) (Ord. 1982-42, passed 8-2-82; Am. Ord. 2024-23, passed 5-20-24) Penalty, see § 98.99