§ 98.81 PICKETS.
   (A)   Definition. For the purpose of this section the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      PICKET, PICKETS, and PICKETING. Include “demonstrators,” persons participating in vigils and any action primarily promoting or objecting to a policy upon those portions of the public ways not used primarily for vehicular parking and moving traffic and not constituting a parade.
(‘70 Code, § 15-50)
   (B)   Conditions under which picketing permitted; notice of intent and receipt required. Peaceful picketing shall be permitted in the city provided the same is done under the following conditions:
      (1)   No picketing shall be conducted on the public ways of this city and no person shall participate in the same unless notice of intent to picket has been given to the Chief of Police or his or her designated representative at least 72 hours prior to time of picket. After review, the Chief of Police or his or her representative shall issue a picket receipt no later than 24 hours prior to the event.
      (2)   A notice of intent to picket shall be given in writing and shall contain the following information:
         (a)   The name of the individual, organization, or group sponsoring or proposing to picket;
         (b)   The location or locations in the city where the pickets propose to assemble and demonstrate;
         (c)   The date(s) and hours during which the picketing is to occur, including the time when the picket will end;
         (d)   The name of the person and organization giving notice of intent to picket, and other groups or organizations participating in the picket, if any;
         (e)   Whether or not, and how many, persons below the age of 18 years are expected to participate;
         (f)   An estimate of the number of people who will be picketing;
         (g)   The name of the person or persons to be in charge of the activity and who will accompany it and carry any receipt of notice at all times. Other members of the picket committee must also be listed on the application.
      (3) Upon the giving of notice of intent to picket, properly completed as herein above set out, the designated officer shall issue a picket receipt no later than 24 hours prior to the event. The receipt shall contain all information stated in the notice. Notice shall be given by the holder of a picket receipt to the Chief of Police or his or her designated representative immediately upon cessation of such picketing for a period of 24 hours or more. Before resumption of picketing interrupted for any such period, a new notice shall be given and a new picket receipt issued.
(‘70 Code, § 15-51)
   (C)   Standards of conduct for picketing activities.  
      (1)   Picketing shall be conducted only on portions of the public ways not used primarily for vehicular parking or moving traffic.
      (2)   Pickets may carry written or printed placards or signs not exceeding 24 inches by 24 inches promoting the objective for which picketing is done provided the words used would not tend to incite violence.
      (3)   Pickets must, if marching, march in single file, not abreast, and may not march closer together than 15 feet, except in passing one another. Pickets not marching shall remain at least 15 feet apart.
      (4)   If pickets promoting different objectives, causes, actions, or policies desire to use a sidewalk that is already being used for picketing, the Chief of Police or his or her designated agents shall allot a number of pickets promoting each objective to use such sidewalk, on an equitable basis, according to the number of objectives being promoted.
      (5)   Pickets shall be restricted to the use of the outermost half of the sidewalk or other public way nearest the street and shall not at any time nor in any way obstruct, interfere with, or block persons entering or exiting from vehicles; persons crossing streets or otherwise using the public way; the entrance or exit to any building or access to property abutting the street or sidewalk; or pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
      (6)   No person observing, engaging in, or assisting in picketing shall bring to or allow to remain in the immediate area of picketing any vicious animal. All animals must be leashed as outlined in §§ 91.15 and 91.18.
      (7)   It shall be unlawful for anyone to picket without filing a notice as required herein and being issued a receipt of such notice.
      (8)   The provisions of divisions (B) through (D) of this section are mandatory and not merely directory, and failure to comply with the provisions of these sections is hereby declared to be unlawful and punishable as provided by law.
(‘70 Code, § 15-52)
   (D)   Interference with pickets prohibited; police authority to disperse crowds; failure to leave when ordered declared offense.  
      (1)   It shall be unlawful for any person to physically interfere with pickets in the use of the sidewalk or to address profane, indecent, abusive, or threatening language to or at those pickets which would tend to provoke the pickets or others to a breach of the peace.
      (2)   In the event of the assemblage of persons in such numbers as to tend to intimidate pickets pursuing their lawful objective through numbers alone or through use of inflammatory words, police officers of the city may direct the dispersal of persons so assembled. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to disperse or move on when so directed by a police officer, and police officers may arrest any person who fails to do so.
      (3)   Whenever the free passage of any street or sidewalk in the city shall be obstructed by a crowd, whether or not the crowd assembles as a result of or in connection with picketing, the persons composing such crowd shall disperse or move on when directed to do so by a police officer. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to so disperse or move on when so directed by a police officer, and police officers may arrest any person who fails to do so.
(‘70 Code, § 15-53) (Ord. 1982-42, passed 8-2-82; Am. Ord. 2024-23, passed 5-20-24) Penalty, see § 98.99