(A)   Purpose and intent. It is the intent of this section to establish guidelines and a process for establishing the name and/or erecting signs for private streets within the city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of Goldsboro.
   (B)   Street name guidelines. In general, private streets shall be given a unique name to avoid duplication and confusion. Names which refer to landmarks, places and natural features are preferable. In no case shall the name for a private street duplicate or be phonetically similar to existing street names, irrespective of the use of the suffix street, avenue, boulevard, drive, place or court.
   (C)   Street name approval.
      (1)   Any property owner desiring to name or rename a private street shall submit a petition on a form provided by the Department of Planning and Community Development. An appropriate subdivision plat, record survey, or tax map illustrating all affected parcels or lots shall also be provided. The submitted petition shall include the head of household name and mailing address for each dwelling fronting on the street.
      (2)   The Department of Planning and Community Development shall review the proposed street name and compare it to the official street name to determine its acceptability. If the proposed street name is found to be acceptable, written notice shall be provided to all individuals included on the petition, the U.S. Postal Service and all public utility companies.
   (D)   Street name signs.
      (1)   Street name signs shall be erected and maintained by the City of Goldsboro where private streets intersect with public streets. When private streets do not intersect with public streets and provide access to two or more dwelling units, street name signs shall be erected and maintained by the private street owner(s) in accordance with current city standards. The City of Goldsboro may, at the written request of the property owner(s), construct and install street name signs, at cost, if the owner desires to purchase these services from the city.
      (2)   Failure of a property owner to install a street name sign on a private street that does not intersect with a public street, after proper notice from the City of Goldsboro, will constitute a civil penalty with a fine of $25 per day, per street.
(Ord. 2003-54, passed 9-2-03)