(A)   The industrial waste of each user discharging same into the city's WWTP shall be subject to periodic inspection and a determination of character and concentration of said wastes shall be made semi-annually, or more often as may be deemed necessary, by the POTW Director or his authorized assistants. Sampling to determine the concentrations will be on a composite basis. Grab samples may be used as required to determine short term characteristics that may be deleterious to the treatment process.
   (B)   Samples shall be collected in such manner as to be representative of the actual quality of the wastes. The laboratory methods used in the examination of said wastes shall be those set forth in the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, as published by the American Public Health Association, one copy of which shall be maintained in the office of the POTW Director for inspection by any interested parties.
   (C)   The determination of the character and concentration of the industrial wastes by the POTW Director, or his authorized assistants, shall be binding as a basis for charges. Industries wishing to have another sample taken other than at the regular interval may request the POTW Director to take such a sample. Costs of such additional sampling and testing shall be borne by the industry.
   (D)   The POTW Director shall receive copies of all test results of samples taken from the wastewater flow within the pretreatment facility.
(Ord. 1994-79, passed 11-21-94)