(A)   All city residents are eligible to serve on any of the several boards, committees, and commissions in operation.
   (B)   No individual shall be eligible to be appointed concurrently to two or more of these bodies at any one time.
   (C)   All members of boards, commissions, and committees may serve up to a maximum of two consecutive terms or six years, whichever is greater. Those persons appointed to serve on an unexpired term of a duration of one-half or more of the normal term will be credited with serving their first term. After fulfilling the maximum term requirements, a member may not be appointed to any other board, committee, or commission until after one year.
   (D)   At least two months prior to the end of the term of every board, commission, and committee member, and upon the occurrence of an unanticipated vacancy in the membership of the same, the chairperson of the respective board, commission, or committee, with the endorsement of its membership, may submit to the Mayor and City Council the names, along with a brief biographical resume, of up to four citizens to be considered for each appointment and reappointment to be made.
   (E)   Each year upcoming vacancies will be advertised.
   (F)   Attendance records must show that a member has participated in at least 75% of all regularly scheduled meetings in a calendar year, unless the absence was due to personal injury or illness. Once a member has missed three meetings in a calendar year, notification will be given of their possible replacement by the staff liaison. At any time during a term, the City Council may be petitioned to terminate the appointment of those members who have failed to meet the above requirement. Members must meet the above attendance requirements to be eligible for reappointment.
   (G)   Yearly appointments to all boards, commissions, and committees will be made no later than January 1 of each year, except in cases of unanticipated vacancies which shall be filled as soon as possible. All board members will continue to serve in their current capacity until another board appointment has been made.
   (H)   Whenever possible, all appointments to boards, commissions, and committees will be made using a staggered terms format.
   (I)   The Mayor and City Council hereby establish a policy of non-discrimination as to sex, race, religion or national origin, and will seek out and appoint citizens of both sexes, and all racial and social-economic elements represented by the city’s population to serve on these citizen boards, commissions, and committees.
   (J)   The City Council will appoint members to all boards, commissions, and committees of the City of Goldsboro except those of the Housing Authority, whose members shall be appointed by the Mayor in accordance with North Carolina G.S. § 157-5.
   (K)   Subcommittees. Boards, commissions, and committees, in coordination with the board Chair and by majority vote of the board, shall have the power and authority to establish and/or dissolve subcommittees as they deem necessary. Any subcommittee created by a board shall be subject to the open meetings law, and must comply with the same rules of order as their creating board. Subcommittees will follow the provisions set forth in G.S. Ch. 143, Art. 33C. Non-members (subject matter experts) may attend subcommittee meetings with approval of the board Chair and are unable to vote.
   (L)   Bylaws. Boards, commissions, and committees may adopt bylaws to govern their opinion. No bylaw shall be effective until approved by the Goldsboro City Council. Bylaws may be adopted as long as they are not in conflict with any provisions of the City of Goldsboro's General Rules of Order or Ethics Policy.
   (M)   Alternate members. On certain boards and commissions, members may be appointed as alternate members. The alternate member votes only when a regular member is absent or unable to vote. Alternates shall move up to a regular member slot as vacancies become available on the board.
(Res. 2009-9, eff. 2-2-09; Am. Ord. 2021-39, passed 12-20-21; Am. Ord. 2022-52, passed 10-3-22)