(A)   There is hereby created a municipal court of record in and for the city to be designated as the Godley Municipal Court No. 1. Any reference to the “Court” or “Municipal Court” in this code shall be understood to mean the Municipal Court of Record of the city. The court shall possess all such powers and duties as now or hereafter may be prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas or the Godley Code of Ordinances relative to municipal courts.
   (B)   The court shall commence operating as a court of record on March 1, 2016. Cases disposed of before that date shall be governed by the existing court rules and procedures. A case shall be deemed “disposed of” if a judge has entered a finding of guilty or the defendant has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere.
   (C)   All cases filed in the court prior to March 1, 2016, but not disposed of by March 1, 2016, shall be tried in the court of record.
(1985 Code, § 2-700) (Ord. 2-87, passed 2-19-1987; Ord. 02-02-2016-REC, passed 2-2-2016)