Pavement shall conform to the following general requirements unless otherwise approved by the city.
   (A)   Concrete pavement. (See Figure 1 in § 94.32 below). Concrete pavements shall have a minimum thickness of five inches for residential streets and six inches for collector and thoroughfare streets. Concrete pavements shall be reinforced with three-eighths-inch bars 24 inches center to center each way.
   (B)   Hot mix asphaltic concrete pavement. (See Figure 2 and 3 in § 94.32 below).
      (1)   (a)   Residential and collector streets shall have a minimum thickness of two inches of Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete (HMAC) pavement on eight inches of road base material for a total thickness of ten inches.
         (b)   Thoroughfare streets shall have a minimum thickness of four inches of HMAC on eight inches of road base material for a total thickness of 12 inches.
         (c)   Thickness will be built up in layers of no more than two-inch base courses with a final two-inch surface course.
      (2)   Prime coat between the flexible road base and HMAC with MC-30 asphalt material at minimum rate of two-tenths gallon per square yard.
      (3)   Where water is channeled across intersections a minimum eight-foot wide five-inch deep concrete valley shall be used. Concrete valleys shall be reinforced with three-eighths-inch bars 24 inches center to center each way.
   (C)   Road base. Road base material shall conform to the requirements of Item 247 Texas Highway Department Standard Specification, Flexible Base Type A, Grade 2.
(Ord. 12-05-02, passed 12-5-2002)