(A)   Discharges requiring a trap include:
      (1)   Grease or waste containing grease in excessive amounts;
      (2)   Oil;
      (3)   Sand;
      (4)   Flammable wastes; and
      (5)   Other harmful ingredients.
   (B)   Any person responsible for discharges requiring a grease trap/interceptor shall at his or her own expense and as required by the approving authority:
      (1)   Provide equipment and facilities of a type and capacity approved by the approving authority;
      (2)   Locate the grease trap/interceptor in a manner that provides ready and easy accessibility for cleaning and inspection; and
      (3)   Maintain the grease trap/interceptor in effective operating condition.
      (4)   Grease traps/interceptors located on the premises of food establishments, food processing facilities, restaurants, automotive repair facilities, car washes, commercial laundries, schools, and all other facilities that the city deems necessary to install and maintain grease traps/interceptors, shall be 100% pumped out at a minimum of every 90 days, and at all times as necessary to maintain their effectiveness. The approving authority may order a generator to have its trap(s) pumped out more frequently than every 90 days if determined such is necessary for the protection of the sanitary sewer and wastewater system requirements of the city.
      (5)   On each occasion a trap is pumped, per the requirements of this provision, the generator is responsible for ensuring proper disposal of the removed waste. Generator shall deliver to the city a copy of the trip ticket within ten days of the waste removal/pump out. Within 45 days of the waste removal, generator shall file with the city a copy of the completed, signed by all three parties (generator, transporter, and disposer), waste manifest.
      (6)   Transporters of trap waste per this section, shall provide to the city, before the removal of any trap waste within the city, a copy of any and all state, federal and local government subdivision permits required to transport trap waste. The city may forbid transporters who fail to maintain these requirements from removing trap waste in the city and are subject to criminal liability.
(1985 Code, § 11-813) (Ord. 04082014-TRAP, passed 4-8-2014)