The methods of treatment of collections of water directed toward the prevention of breeding of mosquitoes shall be approved by the City Health Officer, and shall be one or more of the following:
   (A)   Screening with wire netting of at least 16 meshes to the inch each way, or with any other material which will prevent the ingress or egress of mosquitoes;
   (B)   Complete emptying every seven days of unscreened containers, together with their thorough drying or cleaning;
   (C)   Using a larvacide approved by and applied under the direction of the City Health Officer;
   (D)   Covering completely the surface of the water with kerosene, petroleum or paraffin oil once every seven days;
   (E)   Cleaning and keeping sufficiently free of vegetable growth and other obstructions and stocking with mosquito-destroying fish;
   (F)   Filling or draining to the satisfaction of the City Health Officer or accredited representative; and/or
   (G)   Proper removal or destruction of tin cans, tin boxes, broken or empty bottles, and similar containers likely to hold water.
(1985 Code, § 11-402)