(A) General provision. Before any land is subdivided, the owner of the land, or authorized agent, shall apply for and receive approval in accordance with the following procedure.
(B) Classification. Subdivisions shall be classified as follows and require the number of steps indicated.
(1) Minor subdivision:
(a) Preliminary plat; and
(b) Final subdivision plat.
(2) Major subdivision:
(a) Sketch plat;
(b) Preliminary plat; and
(c) Final subdivision plat.
(C) Application fee. The fee for review of a subdivision plat shall be established by the City Commission from time to time by ordinance. The fee shall be used by the city for expenses incurred in connection with processing the subdivision plat.
(D) Administrative expense. The applicant shall reimburse the city for all expenses reasonably incurred by the city in processing each application submitted under this chapter. Administrative expenses shall include but are not limited to legal, engineering and other professional review fees.
(E) Public hearings. A public hearing shall be held on all subdivision applications prior to preliminary plat approval, unless otherwise provided by law or charter. The hearing shall be held following publication of notice of the time and place thereof in the official newspaper at least ten days before the day of the hearing. At the hearing, all persons interested shall be given an opportunity to make presentations.
(F) Sketch plat/preliminary plat review. The applicant shall ensure that all items from Appendix A of this chapter, along with additional items requested by the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission or City Commission are clearly indicated on all preliminary and final plats, or other documents as appropriate, unless specifically waived in writing by the City Commission.
(1) Minor subdivision. The applicant shall meet with the Zoning Administrator and submit four full size copies of the preliminary plat and thirteen 11-inch by 17-inch reproducible copies at least 15 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting where the plat will be reviewed. The preliminary plat may be presented in simple form, but must show that consideration has been given to the relationship of the proposed subdivision to existing community facilities that will serve it, to neighboring development, and to the natural resources and topography of the site. The Administrator shall distribute one copy of the preliminary plat to each Planning Commission member, Engineer and other reviewers as appropriate. Within 60 days of submission, the Planning Commission shall make its report to the City Commission. Approval by the City Commission indicates that the applicant may proceed with preparation of a final plat in accordance with the terms of approval and provisions of this subdivision regulation.
(2) Major subdivision. The applicant shall meet with the Zoning Administrator and submit the sketch plat. The sketch plat may be presented in simple form, but must show that consideration has been given to the relationship of the proposed subdivision to existing community facilities that will serve it, to neighboring development, and to the natural resources and topography of the site. Within 15 days of receipt of the sketch plat, the Zoning Administrator shall review applicable laws governing the subdivision of land. If the sketch plat complies, the Zoning Administrator shall issue a notice to proceed. Within 120 days of receipt of the notice to proceed, the applicant shall submit four full size copies of the preliminary plat and thirteen 11-inch by 17-inch reproducible copies at least 15 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting where the plat will be reviewed. The Zoning Administrator shall distribute one copy of the preliminary plat to each Planning Commissioner, Engineer and other reviewers as appropriate. Within 60 days of submission, the Planning Commission shall make its report to the City Commission. Approval by the City Commission indicates that the applicant may proceed with preparation of a final plat in accordance with the terms of approval, and the provisions of this subdivision regulation.
(G) Final plat review.
(1) The final plat shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor and submitted within one year of preliminary plat approval or the preliminary plat shall be considered null and void. The applicant shall submit four full size and thirteen 11-inch by 17-inch reproducible copies at least 15 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting where the plat will be reviewed. The final plat shall incorporate all of the changes required by the Planning Commission and governing body.
(2) The Zoning Administrator shall distribute a copy of the final plat to each member of the Planning Commission, governing body and other professionals as required.
(3) The Planning Commission shall study the final plat and submit its recommendations to the governing body within 60 days. The governing body shall act upon the final plat within 60 days, whereupon the Zoning Administrator shall notify the applicant of the governing body’s findings.
(4) Upon approval, the applicant shall record the final plat with the County Recorder within 60 days of approval, otherwise the approval shall be null and void. Within 30 days of recording, the applicant shall provide the Zoning Administrator with three black-line prints and a reproducible print of the final plat showing evidence of recording. The applicant shall also provide a digital copy of the plat to be downloaded to the city’s map.
(Ord. 66, passed 10-12-1999)