All temporary processing operations shall require a conditional use permit which may be applied for separately or in conjunction with an application for a mining, extraction or excavation conditional use permit.
   (A)   All recycling, crushing/processing or storage of used aggregate, concrete and asphalt shall require a conditional use permit subject to the following criteria:
      (1)   The processing equipment shall be located so as to minimize the effect on the surrounding property owners;
      (2)   Provide site plan and map showing proposed location for machinery and equipment, piles, and other necessary locations;
      (3)   Site selection shall not have a negative effect on the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city; and
      (4)   All federal and state standards for quality of air, water and noise shall be met.
   (B)   All temporary asphalt and concrete plants shall require a conditional use permit subject to the following criteria:
      (1)   All setbacks as set forth in this chapter;
      (2)   All federal and state standards for quality of air, water and noise shall be met. An air quality permit shall be obtained from the State Pollution Control Agency;
      (3)   The owner/operator shall provide a plan to prevent surface and groundwater contamination;
      (4)   Equipment shall be located in such a manner so as to have the least environmental and aesthetic impact; a protective pad and/or a berm may be required;
      (5)   Site selection shall not have a negative effect on the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city; and
      (6)   No materials may be excavated or removed from the site without a conditional use permit for mining, extraction and excavation.
(Ord. 102, passed 10-24-2007)