§ 53.003  OBJECTIVES.
   The principal objectives of this chapter shall include the following:
   (A)   For the protection of the City of Glenwood's lakes, wetlands, rivers, streams, and supplies of groundwater essential to the promotion of public health, safety, and welfare; for the protection of the city's environment and its socioeconomic growth and development of the city in perpetuity.
   (B)   Given the extensive resources and numerous supplies of surface water and groundwater and their susceptibility to contamination, regulation of proper SSTS construction, reconstruction, repair, maintenance, and proper septage disposal is essential to prevent the entry and migration of contaminants, thereby ensuring the non-degradation of surface water and groundwater.
   (C)   The provision of establishing minimum standards for SSTS placement, design, construction, reconstruction, repair, and maintenance to prevent contamination and, if contamination is discovered, to identify and control its consequences and abate its source and migration.
   (D)   The provision of establishing minimum standards for septage removal, transport, treatment, and disposal;
   (E)   The regulation of privy vaults and other non-water carried SSTS;
   (F)   The prevention and control of waterborne disease, lake degradation, groundwater-related hazards, and public nuisance conditions through plan reviews, inspections, SSTS surveys, and complaint investigation, as well as through technical assistance and education.
(Ord. 1, passed 3-25-2015)