A. Using the Tables. The tables in this Subchapter are divided into residential uses and nonresidential uses. Within each table, representative land uses are listed in rows in alphabetical order. Zoning districts are arranged in columns. Where rows and columns intersect, a letter indicates if the use is permitted, limited, special, or prohibited in the district, as set out below, and if allowed as an accessory use or for a temporary time period.
B. Symbols. The tables in this Subchapter use the following symbols:
1. “P”, means that the land use is a Permitted Use, subject to all other provisions of this Title.
A permitted use as of right may nevertheless require an application and payment of application fee.
2. “L”, means that the land use is a Limited Use, which is permitted and may be administratively approved by the City Planner subject to:
a. All standards for permitted uses set out in this Title;
b. Applicable Limited Use standards for the specified use set out in Chapter 3, Subchapter 3, Specific and Limited Uses; and
c. All applicable processes and procedures set out in Chapters 8 and 9 of this Title.
3. “S”, means that the land use is a Specific Use which is allowed once granted a Specific Use Permit, which may be approved following a public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission and a subsequent public hearing conducted by the City Council, as set out in Section 11-9-13, Specific Use Permit, and subject to:
a. All development standards set out in this Title;
b. Applicable Specific Use Permit requirements set out in Subchapter 3, Specific and Limited Uses; and
c. All applicable processes and procedures set out in Chapters 8 and 9 of this Title.
4. “E”, means that the land use is allowed only if granted a Special Exception, which may be approved by the Board of Adjustment following a public hearing, as set out in Section 11-9-19, Special Exceptions.
5. “-“, means that the land use is a Prohibited Use in the specified zoning district.
6. “T”, means that the land use is permitted on a Temporary basis, subject to all provisions of this Title and the time limitations established by this Title, the Zoning Clearance Permit, and/or the Certificate of Occupancy.
7. “A”, means that the land use is permitted as an Accessory use, subject to all accessory use provisions of Chapter 5, Accessory Use and Building Standards.
8. Symbols may be combined where necessary, such as, but not limited to, “LA”, Limited Accessory Use, or “TS”, Temporary - Specific Use Permit.
9. Any use may be considered for inclusion in a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The Zoning/Land Use Matrices reflect those uses particularly suitable for most PUDs. (Ord. 746, 11-14-2017)