11-1-3: PURPOSES:
This Title is enacted to:
   A.   Promote health, safety, comfort, convenience, prosperity, order, and general welfare;
   B.   Improve traffic safety, minimize congestion, and improve connectivity between uses;
   C.   Promote safety from fire, flooding, overcrowding, and other natural and man-made dangers;
   D.   Provide adequate light, air, and open space and development amenities to improve livability and population concentration;
   E.   Provide adequate, safe and affordable housing opportunities for all segments of the population;
   F.   Provide opportunities for the economic development and expansion of the City in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan;
   G.   Streamline and simplify the development review process by clearly articulating the design and development expectations of the City and eliminating unnecessary process where prudent;
   H.   Provide code flexibility to allow the development community and City staff to adjust to evolving market conditions and trends for mixed housing neighborhoods and mixed-use development;
   I.   Enhance property values and improve community character by implementing minimum building and site design and buffering requirements; and
   J.   Implement the goals, policies, and recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan and other adopted City plans. (Ord. 746, 11-14-2017)