A.   Conditions For Selling: No person shall sell or deliver alcoholic beverages at a retail beer, wine or package store other than:
      1.   In retail containers.
      2.   At ordinary room temperature through September 30, 2018 (with the exception of low point beer until such category is treated as retail beer under title 37A). Package stores may install refrigerated coolers for the storage of beer and wine prior to October 1, 2018, provided the refrigerated coolers shall not be used to cool products below room temperature until after October 1, 2018.
      3.   In the original package.
      4.   For consumption off the premises.
   B.   Consumption On Premises Prohibited: No person shall drink or consume in any manner alcoholic beverages on the premises of a retail alcoholic beverage store, nor shall any person open or break the seal of any original package or retail container containing alcoholic beverages on the premises of any such retail alcoholic beverage store.
   C.   Allowing Consumption On Premises: No person owning, employed in, or in any manner assisting in the maintenance and operation of a retail alcoholic beverage store shall permit any alcoholic beverages to be consumed or any retail container of such beverage to be opened on the premises of such store. (Ord. 755, 9-17-2018)