A. Limitations. Limitations on traffic impact mitigation requirements include improvements that have been identified by the TIA and that are already planned and funded through a City or other public capital improvement project that exceeds the proposed traffic mitigation measures recommended in the TIA. In this case, such mitigation improvements are not required. To qualify for this exemption:
1. The capital improvement project must be planned to be awarded to a contractor for construction within one year following the completion of the development approval that required the improvement as a traffic mitigation improvement; and
2. Credit may only be provided for improvements that directly correlate to a proportionate percentage of the capital improvement.
B. Determination of Waivers. Traffic mitigation improvements may be waived if the City Council makes one of the following determinations:
1. A proposed development has an interconnected street system or is a mixed-use development and includes pedestrian facilities that will result in fewer trips than isolated, low-density subdivisions; or
2. A proposed development approved as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) will produce fewer and shorter trips than developments subject to conventional zoning. (Ord. 747, 11-14-2017)