A.   Conflicting Provisions:
      1.   Public Provisions: This title is not intended to interfere with, abrogate, or annul any other ordinance, rule, regulation, statute, or other provision of law. Where any provision of this title imposes restrictions different from those imposed by any other ordinance, rule, regulation, or other provision of law, whichever provision is more restrictive shall control.
      2.   Private Provisions: This title is not intended to interfere with, abrogate, or annul any easement, covenant, or any other private agreement or restriction; provided, that where this title is more restrictive, or imposes higher standards or regulations than any such easement, covenant, or other private agreement or restriction, the requirements of this title shall control.
   B.   Severability: If any part or provision of this title, or the application thereof, shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect any other part, section, clause, paragraph, portion, or provision of this title.
   C.   Saving Clause: This title shall not be construed as abating any action now or pending under, or by virtue of, prior existing regulations, or as discontinuing, abating, modifying, or altering any penalty accruing or about to accrue, or as affecting the liability of any person, firm, or corporation, or as waiving any right of the city under any section or provision existing at the effective date hereof. Additionally, this title shall not be construed as vacating or annulling any rights obtained by any person, firm, or corporation by lawful action of the city, except as expressly provided for herein. (Ord. 747, 11-14-2017)