A "commercial operator" is a person who carries on one or more of the following services for profit at the airport:
   A.   Aircraft sales.
   B.   Sale of parts and accessories.
   C.   Charter operations, including, without limitation, passenger or "air taxi", freight or delivery, photography, aerial survey and agricultural spraying.
   D.   Aircraft rental.
   E.   Flight instruction or ground school.
   F.   Maintenance services including airframe overhaul and repair, engine overhaul and repair, radio and electrical shop, instrument shop, aircraft interior work and refinishing and painting.
   G.   Line services including supplying fuel, oil and other fluids, deicing fluids, interior cleaning and in-flight food service.
   H.   Aircraft storage, whether inside a hangar or outside a hangar. (Ord. 509, 6-28-2005)