§ 34.31 FEES.
   If a request for records requires city personnel to spend more than 30 minutes compiling a record to meet the request, the minimum fee shall be $25 per hour by half-hour units, with a minimum charge for one-half hour. Such calculations shall include time spent by staff in locating the requested records, reviewing the records for exempt material, supervising the inspection of original documents and copying the records. The city shall estimate the total amount of time required to respond to the records request, and the person making the request shall make payment for the estimated cost of the search and copying of the records in advance. If the actual time and costs are less than estimated, the excess money shall be refunded. If the actual costs and time are in excess of the estimated time, the difference shall be paid by the person requesting the records at the time the records are produced.
(Res. 12-08, passed 5-12-2008)