§ 34.30 GENERAL.
   (A)   The city shall permit inspection and examination of its non-exempt public records during regular business hours in the city’s offices, or such other locations as the city may reasonably designate from time to time.
   (B)   All requests to inspect a public record should be in writing when possible with the date, name, address and signature of the person making the request.
   (C)   The request form must contain the specific records requested, furnishing the dates, subject matter and such other detail as necessary to enable city personnel to readily locate the records sought.
   (D)   The city shall respond to all public document requests within five working days or explain why more time is needed for a full response.
   (E)   The city shall not create any new documents or customize any existing documents in response to a records request.
   (F)   If the public record is maintained in machine-readable or electronic form, staff shall provide copies of the public record in the form requested, if available. If the record is not available in the form requested, it shall be made available in the form in which it is maintained.
   (G)   A person making a public record request may personally inspect the requested document during normal business hours. A city staff member must be present while any original public records are being inspected to insure protection of the documents.
   (H)   Providing non-exempt public records is a governmental activity covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The city will provide an opportunity for individuals with disabilities to request an alternative form.
   (I)   A staff member must review the requested document to make certain the record does not contain any exempt information before releasing the public record for inspection.
   (J)   Original public documents may not be taken out of the city’s custody.
   (K)   City records shall be released only under the conditions that the records are “public” records, in other words not exempt from disclosure under ORS 192.410 through 192.505.
   (L)   In order to recover its costs for responding to public records requests, fees as established in the city’s fee schedule will be charged for all copies.
(Res. 12-08, passed 5-12-2008)