(A)   When the Core Team determines that a state of emergency exists, the Mayor shall make a declaration to that effect and request a special meeting of the City Council in order to ratify the declaration of emergency. The special meeting of the Council shall occur as soon as possible after the declaration of emergency and such notice as is appropriate to the circumstances shall be given for the meeting. If for any reason the Mayor is unavailable to perform the duties of office under this chapter during a state of emergency, the duties shall be performed by a member of the City Council appointed by the Council to act in the Mayor’s place. The powers of this successor shall be limited to those granted under this chapter, and the duration of the succession shall be until such time as the Mayor is able or available to perform the duties of office.
   (B)   The state of emergency declared under this section shall be continuous and shall remain in effect until further notice is given by the Mayor or his or her appointed successor.
   (C)   The declaration of emergency shall designate the geographic boundaries of the area which warrants the exercise of emergency controls.
   (D)   The declaration of emergency shall state any special regulations imposed as a result of the state of emergency and the Council may authorize additional specific emergency powers not provided in this chapter for the duration of the emergency.
   (E)   The declaration of emergency may:
      (1)   Authorize extraordinary measures for the mobilization of city resources;
      (2)   Authorize expedited purchasing and contracting, including bypassing hearings and the competitive bid process;
      (3)   Authorize requests for state and federal disaster funding; and
      (4)   Encourage a county and/or state proclamation of emergency.
(Ord. 07-2006, passed 7-10-2006)